
한국산업경영시스템학회 학술대회

이 간행물 논문 검색


2012년 한국산업경영시스템학회 춘계학술대회 (2012년 5월) 66

Session A-1 _ 인간 / 감성 / 안전

2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Mahalanobis-Taguchi System is a diagnosis and predictive method for analyzing patterns in multivariate cases. The goal of this study is diagnosis of the spondylolisthesis using biomedical data that is derived from the shape and orientation of the pelvis and lumbar spine. The data set has six attributes including pelvic incidence, pelvic tilt, lumbar lordosis angle, sacral slope, pelvic radius and grade of spondylolisthesis and two class including normal and abnormal. From UCI machine learning repository, 100 normal and 150 spondylolisthesis patient’s data used for this study. Mahalanobis Taguchi System(MTS) application process and the diagnosis results described in this paper.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The objective of this research is the development of the computerized screening tool to find out the mild cognitive impairment for the middle and old aged people. This research aims the comprehensive screening tool which can measure seven human cognitive function, attention, psychomotor speed, memory, visuaspatial, calculation, verbal and executive abilities. This tool is designed to upgrade the present 'paper and pensil' screening tool in view of conveniency and accuracy.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This research is to develop a functional twosome game, named "Speed Touch". Speed ouch neccesitates reasonable function of the frontal lobe of brain, mainly related to fast decision making and quick response to provided subject, and physical exercises as well. Speed Touch could improve players' abilities of instant response, memory, reflexes, and concentration simultaneously. The simplicity of Speed Touch contents make everyone learn how to play at glance, and different level of difficulty compensates the simplicity. In short, Speed ouch could be called "simple and intuitive". These factors of Speed Touch could relieve poor cognition ability of children, help preventing the old from getting dimentia. This research also requires deep study of human brain functions, human factor engineering, and necessary game factors for successful result, including better attention and cognition abilities.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, appropriate preventive measures are suggested as follows by analyzing industrial accident cases occurred for five years of company J and workers' survey. First, personnel management including meticulous shift work and rotation task for older workers should be made strictly in terms of safety and health management. Second, Industrial disasters occurred more in spring than in other seasons, so safety management will have to be enhanced in spring. That is, to reduce industrial disaster various occupational safety and health activities to prevent spring fatigue are needed. Third, to improve safety consciousness of workers, penalties for those who have not received safety training and for people without protective equipment are required. Also, hazard prediction training such as Tool Box Meeting shall be proceeded. Fourth, building of proactive safety culture that the workers themselves handle risk factors is urgent. For this proposal, the company-wide safety and health programs including safety awards and cases presentation are needed to be planned.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The goal of this study is to suggest the conceptual model explaining the mechanism that an asymmetric load elevates low back pain(LBP). The model suggested shows that an asymmetric load in the frontal plane leads to unbalanced hand load, which affects the difference between right and left EMG amplitude on the pairwise back muscles and the increase in muscle fatigue compared with a symmetric load. The model is verified by an experiment that ten male subjects are required to lift and hold at waist height each symmetric and asymmetric load, then the EMG data collected is analyzed concentrating on median frequency used as one muscle fatigue index. The results show that muscle fatigue in lifting an asymmetric load is significantly more than in doing a symmetric load in both low and high load weights. The results means that the movement of load center of gravity(LCG) within a box handled can be one factor elevating LBP, that condition should be controlled by administrative or engineering interventions if possible.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Limited human attention resources produce cognitive load and so critical human error. In particular, the case of large-scale systems due to human error from the limited attention resources had often very large accidental damage. Recent disaster of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is a typical example. Display design method to reduce the cognitive load has been studied in the area of Ecological Interface Design (EID). EID method proposed Work Domain Analysis (WDA) for understanding work domain constraints. Using WDA method, it analyzed Steam Generator and Pressurizer Water Level control process design of digitalized Main Control Room.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 연구는 창원지역 반도체소자 공장 1개소 2,000명 근로자 중 2001년부터 2011년까지 10년간의 사업장 물리치료실을 방문한 환자 중에서 질환부위가 근골격계질환 발생 부위에 해당되는 근골격계관련 발생 질환자 61명을 대상으로 하여, 관련 질환자가 노동부고시 11개 부담작업 범위(2003-24호)에 해당되는 작업에 얼마만큼 종사하는가를 분석하여 11개 부담작업의 범위 및 측정방법에 대한 개선안을 도출할 것을 목적으로 한다.

Session A-2 _ 생산 / 물류 / OR

2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Companies strive for quality improvement and use process data obtained through measurement process to monitor and control the process. Measurement data contain variation due to error of operator and instrument. The total variation is sum of product variation and measurement variation. Gage R&R is for repeatability and reproducibility of measurement system. Gage R&R study is usually conducted to analyze the measurement process. In performing the gage R&R study, several parameters such as the appropriate number of operators (o), sample size of parts (p), and replicate (r) are used. In this paper we propose how to determine the optimal combination of number of operators (o), sample size of parts (p), and replicates (r) considering measurement time and cost by statistical method.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The restrictions and conditions of parcel delivery services are different from other delivery services. There is WTD in the parcel delivery service. WTDs are various along the types of buildings and delivery points. To make the problem solving method simple and efficient using the WTD, the values are observed and grouped based on the type of buildings in this research. Efficient VRP heuristic design could be possible with introduction of WTD concept as well as the delivery time forecasting.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Software release planning in software development is to assign its features to releases in a specified planning horizon,satisfying technology, resource, risk, and budget constraints. The release planning problembecomes more complicated when the concept of software product lines (SPL) is considered. In this research, a precedence-constrained multiple 0-1 knapsack problem regarding SPL characteristics is formulated to maximize the objective function depending on the value of the release, the importance of stakeholders, the urgency of a feature and its value to stakeholders. As the optimization solution approach, dynamic programming model is developed to solve the precedence-constrained multiple 0-1 knapsack problem as well as a heuristic and reduction algorithm are applied to reduce the size of the problem at each stage
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper deals with a planning problem for reentrant hybrid flow shop with serial stages consisted of parallel machines. In a reentrant operation, a product may revisit some stages several times and then it may cause the congestion of work in process (WIP) or equipment idleness. Preemptive goal programming based heuristics are proposed to maximize of throughput and to minimize of delayed customer demands in the hybrid flow shop.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
한정된 자원과 환경보호에 대한 중요성이 점차 증가됨에 따라 제품을 회수하여 재사용하는 회수물류가 기업업체의 관심을 끌기 시작하였다. 이러한 문제점을 인식하여 회수가능하며 회수 시 부피를 줄여서 회수비용을 절감할 수 있는 회수용 접이식 플라스틱 박스의 개발이 본격화 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 회수용 접이식 플라스틱 박스의 재사용 네트워크의 모델을 제안하고, 수치실험을 통해 제안한 모델의 최적을 구하여 이 모델의 적합성과 실용성을 검증하고 이에 근거하여 최적의 운영책을 제시하였다.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
When manufacturing die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation between injection systems, casting condition, gating system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects will be differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. High-qualified products can be manufactured as those defects are controled by the proper modifications or the changes of die casting mold with the conditions. In this research, the proper manufacturing method intensively be derived for reducing the defect of the internal porosities issues of power steering which is very complicated to achieve the mold design, and for minimizing and for guaranteeing the product quality through the analysis of the problem of casting parts and the deduction of alternative plans.

Session B-1 _ 정보 / IT / 지식

2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Technical Barriers to International Trade are emerging as main non-tariff barriers and so MRA is getting widespread. In addition, a significant amount in international trade occurs as intra-industry trade instead of inter-industry trade. Based on the cost reduction of testing and certification except many other effects of MRA, we compute the economic impact of MRA quantitatively. First, we use a Cournot model for intra-industry trade to compute the effect of trade balance caused by the cost reduction of testing and certification. Second, we estimate the effect on production inducement, value added inducement and employment inducement via input-output analysis.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
When customers purchase a product, the process of searching for any purchase pattern process is called ‘Association Rule’. For using of this, if the customers is using unit of spare parts and the stores of displaying and selling the goods are the facility unit of having the spare parts, it will be represented that the demend pattern through the sales list in facility units. Current ASL(Authorized Stockage List) selection is the way of using the result analyzed actual experience used spare parts during the Korea War. it is specified that ASL selection criterion and procedures based on Army regulations and field manuals. This method is not conducted the association analysis between spare parts used the current equipment operating, and have not the clear criterion and analysis system about the ASL selection. In this study, in order to solve these problems, it was carried out the Association Rule targeting the sales list of the spare parts in point of between the using unit and products of occurred month based on the table designed the star-schema. And it is studied and proposed that the ASL selection way using the analysis result.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
최근 로봇의 제조 기술 및 로봇 움직임의 제어 기술이 축적되고 컴퓨터와 정보통신 기술이 비약적으로 성장하면서, 세계 각국은 새롭게 떠오르고 있는 로봇 산업을 국가적인 전략산업으로 규정하고 기술 개발에 매진하고 있는 상황이다. 로봇 산업계가 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해서는, 로봇을 생산하는 메이저 규모의 주도 기업과 해당 기업을 위하여 부품을 생산하는 협력 업체들이 모두 함께 기술을 개발을 하고 그 결과를 공유하면서 동시에 조직화적으로 발전해 나가야 한다. 이를 위해서는 로봇 산업계의 공급망을 구성하여야 하고, 공급망에서의 업무 프로세스가 정비되어야 하며, 기업 간 협력을 위한 체계와 방안을 마련하여야 한다. 본 연구는 로봇 산업계의 공급망 구성 방안을 설계함으로써, 기업 간 협력 체계를 제안하여 로봇 산업계의 생산 구조를 고도화할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper, we suggested the property that shows the way to measure the efficiency when cone-ratio weight restrictions are applied under constant returns to scale with one-input, multiple-outputs (or multiple-inputs, one-output) in DEA. Based on the suggested property, we proposed graphical illustration of multiple solution problem with one-input, two-outputs in DEA. Then we showed some characteristics of cone-ratio and Wong and Beasley weight restrictions with an illustrative example.
2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
셀룰러 시스템에서의 OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)기술의 사용은 단일 반송파 기술과 비교하였을 때 뛰어난 주파수 효율과 광대역 구현 용이성을 가지고 있으나 차세대 이동통신 시스템과 같은 셀룰러 환경 하에서 사용될 시에는 여러 가지 극복해야 할 문제점을 가지고 있다. 그 중에서 해결해야 할 대표적인 문제점은 셀 간 간섭문제이다. 대표적인 채널 할당 기법은 Siemens의 주파수 할당 기법과 ETRI의 주파수 할당 기법이 있는데 Siemens 기법은 간섭문제가 적지만 시스템 효율이 떨어지고, ETRI 기법은 시스템 효율이 증가하나 간섭문제가 Siemens 기법에 비하여 간섭문제와 시스템 복잡도가 커진다는 단점을 가지고 있다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위해 본 연구는 실제 특정 지역에서의 사용자 분포를 고려하여 위 두 기법의 특성을 적절히 혼합한 Dynamic 주파수 할당 기법을 적용하여 동일한 조건 하에서 간섭문제를 최소화하면서도 시스템 효율을 높여 사용자 만족을 최대로 할 수 있도록 하고자 한다. 이를 위해 단말의 수를 랜덤으로 분포시켜 해당 셀 내의 사용자 수의 분포에 따라 가변적인 주파수 할당 기법을 적용하고 이를 모의실험을 통해 확인하도록 한다.

Session B-2 _ 품질 / 경제성

2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper derives the limiting availability of the standby unit by considering three types of failures. Assuming the standby unit can fail during the standby period (type Ⅰ failure), the periodic test is employed to check the unit condition. Although the periodic test is capable of detecting failures during the standby period, it can cause test-induced failures for the standby unit at the start of the test (type Ⅱ failure). Also the aging process of the standby unit during the test period needs to be taken into account (type Ⅲ failure), which is not treated in the existing studies. To identify relationships between the optimal periodic test interval an various failure characteristics of the standby unit. several experiment are performed assuming Weibull distribution as an operating time distribution of the standby unit. The result of this paper can be applied to determine an appropriate test interval for the standby unit in priority redundant system to enure higher reliability characteristics.
2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper, an analysis of two-way binary attribute data is performed using the logistic regression model in order to find a sound statistical methodology. It is demonstrated that the ANOVA may not be enough, especially for the case that the proportion is very low or high. The logistic transformation of proportion data could be a help, but not sound in the statistical sense. The adoption of generalized least squares(GLS) method entails much to estimate the variance-covariance matrix. On the other hand, the logistic regression methodology provides sound statistical background in estimating model parameters and related confidence intervals. The efficiencies of estimates are ensured with a simulated data with a view to demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology.
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