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RoHS 만족을 위한 Mobile Phone 개발절차에 대한 연구

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/354224
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한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

The RoHS Directives(2002/95/EC) was issued in Feb, 2003. RoHS directive is Restricting of use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment. The aim of RoHS directive is ban and/or strongly reduce the application of hazardous substances Maximum allowable impurity levels of restricted substances open.
The restricted substances are Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Cr6+, PBB, PBDE.
Effective date of RoHS legislation was since July 1st, 2006. RoHS Directives is an trade barrier in export company. one of special features in mobile industry has a short lifecycle. Design company has received the pressure that develope lead time should be shorten by customer. in order to meet RoHS requirements, we should prepare RoHS related activity in initial develope phase. I will show you mobile phone development procedure for RoHS in initial develope phase.

 1. 서론
 2. RoHS란?
 3. RoHS 규제 준수
 4. 유해물질 시험 분석
 5. 세계 각국의 환경규제
 6. 환경 규제에 따른 손실 사례
 7. 선진 전기전자기기 업체들의 RoHS 관리 기준
 8. RoHS가 기업에 미친 영향
 9. 개발 단계별 RoHS 준비 활동
 10. 결론
 참고 문헌
  • 윤인구(아주대학교 대학원 산업공학과) | In Goo Yoon
  • 김원중(아주대학교 산업정보시스템공학부) | Won Joong Kim