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우리나라 민간인증제도의 현황과 운영에 대한 연구

A Study on State and Operation of Non-government Certification in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/354384
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

The Certification system will be able to expect that effect of marketing and the corporate image rising, if the certification body guarantees the contents of certification against industrial technical advance and safety, environment and efficiency, quality when it is suitable in the standard which is provided.
The certificationsystem where the private organization operates but recently on the legal notarization outside is disordering and the trust regarding the certificationfalls and the objective and gist of origin are damaged.
But recently the trust of certification has fallen and the objective and gist of origin are damaged. Because the non-government certifications are disordering.
Also the damage of the consumers majority occurs but it is insufficient the investigation analysis against the present condition regarding a non-government certification system and the operation actual condition. So it is necessary the actual condition where the countermeasure against hereupon is urgent.
In this study, we present the operation direction of efficient against non-government certification system through investigation and the analysis.

 1. 서론 (바탕체, 10폰트, 볼드체)
 2. 인증폐해 사례
 3. 민간인증 중복실태
  3.1 범주별 인증 중복현황
  3. 2 민간-법정인증 중복현황
  3. 3 품목별 인증 중복 현황
 4. 민간인증 운영실태
  4.1 인증절차
  4.2 인증실적
  4.3 인증수수료
  4.4 인증번호
  4.5 인센티브 현황
  4.6 국제기준부합화
 5. 민간인증제도의 효율적 운영방안
 6. 민간인증제도의 개선방안
 7. 결론
  • 고현우(서경대학교)