시중 유통 중인 젓갈의 미생물학적 안전성 평가
This study investigated the prevalence of total aerobic bacteria, coliform and food poisoning (Bacillus cereus) bacteria in commercial Jeotgal for the evaluation of microbiological safety. The mean mass of total aerobic bacteria was 4.8±1.4 log CFU/g in Jeotgal. Coliform was detected in 17 (48.6%) of 35 seasoned Jeotgal; 14 (42.4%) of 33 low salted Jeotgal compared with three (16.7%) of 18 general salted Jeotgal; and in three (37.5%) of eight HACCP certificated Jeotgal compared with 14 (32.6%) of 43 non-HACCP certificated Jeotgal. Bacillus cereus was detected in two (12.5%) of 16 non-seasoned Jeotgal compared with 20 (57.1%) of 35 seasoned Jeotgal; in 19 (57.6%) of 33 low salted Jeotgal compared with three (16.7%) of 18 general salted Jeotgal, and in four (50.0%) of eight HACCP certificated Jeotgal compared with 18 (41.9%) of 43 non-HACCP certificated Jeotgal. Overall, our results showed that coliform and B. cereus contamination was highest in the seasoned and low salted Jeotgal. It is necessary to improve the microbiological safety low salted and seasoned Jeotgal. The HACCP system in Jeotgal is reconfirmed for the enhancement of microbiological safety.