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‘자기,’ ‘그,’ 그리고 pro의 속성 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/357072
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현대문법연구 (Studies in Modern Grammar)
현대문법학회 (The Society Of Modern Grammar)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the properties of the reflexive caki, the pronoun ku and pro in Korean. The dual properties of the pronoun is known to be reference and bound variable. According to Choi (2013, 2014), Korean reflexive caki is not an anaphor (reflexive) but a bound-variable pronoun which functions as the pronoun, and the pronoun ku is not a pronoun but a nominal phrase which is composed of a demonstrative ku and a null category pro having a feature [+human]. In order to identify whether his argument is on the right tract or not, the properties of pro is investigated together with the ones of caki and ku because the pro is claimed to have the inherent and instinct properties of the pronoun in Korean. The result of this research is as follows: caki functions as an anaphor inside the local domain and a bound variable pronoun outside the local domain. Ku acts as reference and a bound variable pronoun, not as an anaphor. Pro, as expected, has the dual properties of the pronoun.

1. 서론
 2. 기존 논의 및 논의의 전제
 3. ‘자기,’ ‘그,’ 그리고 pro의 속성
 4. 조사 절차 및 결과 분석
 5. 결론
  • 엄홍준(계명대학교)