This research was to find out the effectiveness of the horticultural therapy program based on the therapeutic factors and the most meaningful experiences of the clients. For this purpose "Green harmony" program focused on harmony through horticulture was implemented. It is based on the preposition that holistic health is promoted with harmonious relationships with oneself, other people, community and nature. The program has three-fold structure: In innermost it deals with the task of the late adolescent, i.e., self identity, secondly the experience of communication and solidarity in the group, and finally extension of interest to the community. For the therapeutic intervention, questions using the metaphor of the activity were given to the clients for the establishment of self-identity, while group activity and the donation of the works let the second and third purpose accomplished. Outdoor activity, 'Tire garden project', has provided the clients with chances of the contact with nature, cooperation with other group members, and a contest to provoke enthusiasm. Also recycling and greening of the community were possible by utilizing old tires for the containers and by donating the final works to the community. For the evaluation of the result, the effect of the program on the stress of the college students was tested, and the most meaningful experiences during the participation to the program were asked to identify the therapeutic factors acknowledged by clients. "Green harmony" program has brought positive effects on the stress of the clients in spite of relatively short period of five weeks. The clients has acknowledged plant/nature contact and interactions between group members for the most meaningful experiences. This research suggests "Green harmony" horticultural therapy program based on the therapeutic factors is highly applicable for the general populations.