
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 30

        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전북 임실 대말방죽의 문화경관적 요소와 식생경관적 특성을 면밀히 검토함으로써 임실 지역의 관광 레크리에이션적 공간이자 생태체험 공간으로서의 잠재력과 활용 및 보존방향을 모색하기 위해 시도되었다.약 730㎡ 규모의 방지원도(方池圓島)를 갖춘 관란정(觀瀾亭)은 지역문화의 중심공간으로서 오래전부터 문화공간이자공원으로서의 성격을 보여온 것으로 판단된다. 대말방죽은 조선시대에 송호(松湖)라고 불렀던 것으로 보아 주변에소나무가 울창했을 것으로 추정되며 오금사(五金寺)라는 절과 절 우측으로 칠성암(七星巖)이라는 바위는 이 지역의장소 특성을 설명하는 중요한 징표가 되고 있으며 ‘반보기문화’ 등 휴양 레크리에이션공간이자 지역의 명소로서 활용되어온 것으로 보인다. 대말방죽 외곽에 펼쳐진 소나무와 왕버들로 구성된 숲은 물을 차단하기 위해 하천부 수위 이하에구조물을 설치함으로써 구축되는 벽 혹은 제방에 심어 그 기능을 보다 강화할 목적으로 조성된 ‘방죽숲(cofferdamgrove)’으로 정의되며 대말방죽의 주요 식물상으로는 가시연꽃을 비롯하여 줄과 어리연꽃, 노랑어리연꽃, 마름 등이군락을 이루고 있다. 주연부에는 수련, 갈대 등이 관찰된다. 임실 대말방죽은 경남 함안의 우포늪과 홍성의 역재저수지가시연꽃 군락지와 비교해서 규모나 경관면에서 뒤지지 않는 가시연꽃 자연군락지로 주변의 문화경관요소와의 연계를통한 경관형성 및 보전관리가 시급히 요구된다.
        2004.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국도의 경관구성요소인 산, 하늘, 도로포장면, 가로수, 논밭, 간판ㆍ전신주, 건물, 구조체, 비탈면, 방호ㆍ방음벽, 중앙분리대의 시각량 분석을 통하여 시대별 경관변화를 파악한 결과, 1.국도의 경관구성요소 중 각 시대별로 가장 높은 시각량을 나타낸 것은 도로포장면으로서 국도경관을 분석 평가함에 있어서 도로의 선형은 시각적으로 중요한 구성요소의 하나로 다루어져야 함을 알 수 있었다. 2.국도의 시대별 경관변화는 중앙분리대(F=33.296)와 가로수(F=32.881)에 의한 차이가 가장 두드러진 것으로 나타났으며, 다음 순으로는 하늘(F=24.735)과 산(F=23.477)이 유사한 정도의 차이값을 나타내고 있다. 그러나 건물과 구조체는 통계적으로 차이가 없음이 판명되었다. 3.국도건설은 점차적으로 자연적 요소의 감소와 인공적 요소에 의한 경관이 주를 이루게 됨을 알 수 있었다. 이는 아직까지 국도건설이 경관적ㆍ생태적 건강성을 인지하고 있음에도 불구하고 접근성과 이동성의 기능중심의 논리에서 벗어나지 못하고 있는 현실적 문제를 보여주는 결과이다.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 시가지내에서의 산악경관에 대한 조망점 수직상향 이동의 타당성을 구명함으로써 향후 고층화, 과밀화된 시가지내에서의 조망점 설정방안의 근거 자료를 제시하고자, 첫째 조망점의 수직상향 이동 전후의 산의 시각량 및 앙각의 유의차 분석을 위하여 t-검정 분석을 수행하였으며, 둘째, 산정의 가시여부 및 산의 평균 녹시율을 기준으로 하여 조망점의 수직상향 이동 전후의 시각량을 비교 분석하였다. 이에 따른 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 조망점의 수직 상향이동 전후의 단위간 표고차는 평균 15.39m로써 건물 4층 정도의 수준차를 갖는 것으로 판명되었다. 2) 조망점 수직상향 이동 전후의 산의 시각량은 1%의 유의수준에서 현저한 차이가 있는 것으로 확인되었으나 이때의 앙각의 차는 유의하지 않은 것으로 판명되었다. 즉 조망점의 수직 상향이동 전후의 시각구조는 동일하지만 시점 이동후 산의 시각량이 우세하다는 것을 알았다. 3) 산정의 가시와 산의 평균 녹시율을 상회하는 조망점은 건물옥상높이에서의 빈도수가 많았다. 시각량의 t-검정 분석결과 역시 조망점의 수직상향 이동 전후가 5% 유의수준에서 산의 시각량의 차이가 검증되었다. 본 연구 결과는 산을 적절히 조망할 수 있는 앙각권역 내에 고층건물이 밀집되어 있는 시가지가 포함될 때의 조망점 설정시 근거 자료로 활용될 것이다. 시가지내 포함된 조망점들을 대상으로 하여 앙각의 조건에 차이가 나타나지 않는 수준까지 시점을 수직 상향 이동함으로써 불리한 시각량을 확보할 수 있다 수직 이동된 상태는 이동전과는 달리 시점의 특수성이 인정되나, 앙각의 유의차가 나타나지 않는다면 서로 동일한 조망구조로 간주하여 산악 경관관리를 위한 보존적 지 침을 제시할 수 있다.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mentha spicata, Ocimum basilium L., and Rosemarinus officinalis L. were selected as subjects for the study, and analysis of rosmarinic acid contents by HPLC analysis and the fragrance components of each herb were compared by GC-MS analysis. It was prepared and cultivated in a herb farm located in Sacheonjin-ri, Gangneung-si in 2022 (Fig. 1) before flowering, collected in the summer, stored at minus 20℃, and dried 50 g each. The analysis was requested to the NICEM analysis room of Seoul National University to obtain the test results. Through the above study, HPLC showed that the content of rosmarinic acid was 555.53 mg/Kg, which was absolute, 27.12% in rosemary for 1,8-cineol in GC-MS, and 32.44% in linalool in sweet basil. For eugenol, 23.11% in sweet basil and 19.92% in rosemary were found in α-pinene. Through this study, it was verified that spearmint, sweet basil, and rosemary contain a large amount of major ingredients that act on concentration or brain activation.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The relationship between environmental growth conditions of savory(Satureja hortensis) and Zn and vitamin B3 has been previously reported. Based on these results, HPLC and GC-MS were used to investigate the levels of phenolic compounds and perform metabolite analysis, respectively, in plants collected from different areas. Differences were observed in the levels of polyphenols and flavonoids depending on sampled areas and natural conditions. Next, HPLC and metabolite analyses confirmed the presence of bioactive substances. The results also showed that the longer the storage time, the higher was the content of carvacrol and of rosmarinic acid. Finally, the difference in the active ingredients was minimal when plants were cultivated under growth conditions similar to those in the place of origin.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to present basic data on long-term sexual effects of Savory (Satureja hortensis) by analyzing its zinc and V.B3 contents. These contents result in the activation of sexual functions induced by the blood concentration of sex hormones, thus improving menopauale symptoms. Results were obtained on August 20, 2020 after experimenting with 100 g of the herb from six indoor (green-house) experimental plots. The V.B3 results were analyzed using 100 g of Savory planted in open soil. Zinc had the highest values at 2.161 mg from the bed soil compounded with sapolite and poultry manure in the indoor condition and 2.077 mg from bed soil mixed with clay in the outdoor condition. The presence of V.B3 in Savory was also confirmed. Further research should be conducted on the interactions between Savory and other herbs.
        2021.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Herb has been categorized as a special plants from the beginning of human history and used in different medical systems in different cultures. This research has classified soil into 6 kinds that have diverse elements to see to which various kinds of savory(satureja hortensis) adapt well, experimenting from sowing to flowering for around 13 weeks, and also divided indoor conditions to get the result below. In conclusion, growth status of savory depending on the kinds of soil suggest that in indoor conditions the savory if planted in ⑤ bed soil compounded with saprolite and poultry manure grew better than any other condition. On the other hand, the growth status was bad in ① masato, ② clay, ④ bed soil mixed with saprolite, and ⑥ bed soil mixed with clay conditions. Though you can see the immediate effect of soil on the growth of savory, I’d like to reveal the details of how elements of savory operate in which kind of soil and outdoor conditions the goal of this research, in the next research.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to measure the emotional effects of pet plants, which have become popular in recent years. A questionnaire regarding perceptions of these indoor plants was administered to 78 university students. Thirty of these students took care of two species of pet plants for 90 days, and the emotional effects of this exercise were determined based on the type of words used in their daily records. The questionnaire results showed that the general recognition of emotional effects was low, though awareness of the term "pet plants" was high. However, after gardening for 90 days, participants began to consider their pet plants friends or family members, noting feelings of affection and sympathy in their daily writeups. These participants also experienced positive changes in their emotional well-being, including feelings of joy, hope, relaxation, confidence, and accomplishment. This study argues that pet plants can have positive effects on emotional stability and suggests that their adoption would be beneficial to humanity at large.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With rapid growth of the one-person households, this study focused on the psychological effects of pet plant gardening, one of the new trend of gardening among them. To clarify the psychological influences of pet plant gardening, 30 university students conducted gardening of pet plants in 90 days and the psychological effects was measured by the standardization personality inventory test before and after gardening. As results, pet plant gardening showed the effects of decreasing depression feeling of all participants, and the effects was significant in female than male. Pet plants gardening led to change females' personality more actively and more leadingly. Therefore, this data verified the positive effects in psychologically and induced personality showed pet plants gardening induced the positive effects the aspects of psychology and personality.
        2017.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to investigate the dilapidated Fine View Square located in the city of Gangneung and analyze problems for building it into a sustainable space under an effective management plan. Further to creating an ecological base for restoring the natural circulation, a restorative method for the damaged area, a spatial assignment by the UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB), and an urban ecological park, we not only wanted to provide an environment that is citizen friendly, but also a practical and realizable project to connect with the various methods and programs mentioned above, while utilizing the Ministry of the Environment 's ecosystem conservation fund. In conclusion, we found that it would be possible to contribute to building an urban ecological park the Ministry of Environment proposed while restoring the lost natural circulation in Gyodong Square in the city of Gangneung and ecological soundness of the city along with the reduced heat island effect and the increased biological diversity and Ecological Soundness.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Gyeonghuigung palace is an important site as it was the secondary palace in Hanyang from the 17th century to the mid-19th century. Its original state was lost because a number of buildings were damaged and the palace area was reduced. The entire palace can be seen only in “Seogwoldoan” a drawing of the western palace. With “Seogwoldoan” to show the complete configuration of Gyeonghuigung palace in detail as the main data and other relevant data used as supplementary sources, the aim of this work was to identify the figurative features around the plantings and the space configuration of the royal garden in Gyeonghuigung palace. The space configuration observed in the royal gardens in Gyeonghuigung palace deviated from the norms and strict systems of royal palaces. The free and uninhibited configuration of the royal garden was allowed in Gyeonghuigung palace because it was built as a secondary palace in a lower hierarchy. Furthermore, a royal garden characterized by unique and unlimited planting was created, with several spaces acting as both royal garden and rear garden as the rear gardens could not be separately configured due to the narrow space of Gyeonghuigung palace.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, to provide basic information for design of a large-scale recycling system for fishery by-products, the food nutrient components, fertilizer components, and microbial composition of fertilizers and feed which were made of fishery by-products were analyzed before and after fermentation. The results of the analysis of the edible portion of fishery by-products indicated that calories per 100 g of crustaceans were the highest followed by those of fish and brown algae in order of precedence with values as follows; Korean Krill 94 Kcal, Portunus trituberculatus 65 Kcal, Lophiomus setigerus 58 Kcal, and Undaria pinnatifida 16 Kcal. As for changes in amino acids per 100 g of fishery by-products between before and after fermentation, calories per 100 g of P. trituberculatus decreased by 74.7% from 15.7 g to 4.0 g, that of L. setigerus decreased by 61.1% from 11.9 g to 4.6 g, that of Korean Krill decreased by 53.5% from 11.6 g to 5.4 g, and that of U. pinnatifida decreased by 49.4% from 1.7 g to 0.9 g. Among amino acids, those contained in fishery by-product fertilizers (liquid fertilizer) in large amounts were shown to be Glutaminic acid, Aspartic acid, Glycine, Lysin, and Leucine. The lipid content of Korean Krill decreased by 11.9% from 3.2 g to 2.8 g, that of L. setigerus increased by 2.0 times from 1.1 g to 2.2 g, that of P. trituberculatus increased by 4.5 times from 0.4 g to 1.7 g, and that of U. pinnatifida increased by 9.4 times from 0.2 g to 1.9 g. The ash (mineral) content of P. trituberculatus decreased by 82.5% from 26.2 g to 4.6 g, that of U. pinnatifida increased by 27.6% from 3.3 g to 4.2 g, that of Korean Krill increased by 21.9% from 3.1 g to 3.8 g, and that of L. setigerus increased by 88.7% from 1.2 g to 2.2 g. The microbial composition of liquid fertilizer using recycled fishery by-products was shown to be Bacteria, Actinomycetes, Fungi, Yeast, and Lactobacillus sp.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has been carried out to verify curative effect of lavender and lawn, a green space composition factor. Thus, the physiological index value of blood pressure, heart rate and salivary amylase were measured with object of 16 women in their 20~30s for stress relaxation effect at lavender garden and lawn square, and impression assessment upon SD method as for psychological value was performed in this study. And a survey was conducted on necessity and reason of urban green space with object of 345 men and women urban workers. As a result of variance analysis between groups and multi test of Turkey upon object place, the blood pressure was lowered the same at lavender garden and lawn square, and especially, high blood pressure was greatly lowered to 30 mmHG at lavender garden. On the other hand, low blood pressure group showed the tendency of a little increasing at the same places. And for the pulse, there was difference between high blood pressure group and normal group at the same places. To conclude, at lavender garden and lawn square the blood pressure was made to be lowered when it’s high, and when it’s low, the effect of returning to sound status, the function of increasing, was verified. In case of impression assessment upon SD method, the lawn square was assessed as resting place and lavender garden diversional place. And over 90% of urban workers responded to the green space’s necessity and curative effect, diversion and resting place were adopted for the reason in high-ranking items. As above the green space pattern that urban workers require and curative effect of lavender garden and lawn square were verified. Therefore, the functional green space plan is required, which curative effect, diversion and resting place are considered, for the future green space plan design.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research was to find out the effectiveness of the horticultural therapy program based on the therapeutic factors and the most meaningful experiences of the clients. For this purpose "Green harmony" program focused on harmony through horticulture was implemented. It is based on the preposition that holistic health is promoted with harmonious relationships with oneself, other people, community and nature. The program has three-fold structure: In innermost it deals with the task of the late adolescent, i.e., self identity, secondly the experience of communication and solidarity in the group, and finally extension of interest to the community. For the therapeutic intervention, questions using the metaphor of the activity were given to the clients for the establishment of self-identity, while group activity and the donation of the works let the second and third purpose accomplished. Outdoor activity, 'Tire garden project', has provided the clients with chances of the contact with nature, cooperation with other group members, and a contest to provoke enthusiasm. Also recycling and greening of the community were possible by utilizing old tires for the containers and by donating the final works to the community. For the evaluation of the result, the effect of the program on the stress of the college students was tested, and the most meaningful experiences during the participation to the program were asked to identify the therapeutic factors acknowledged by clients. "Green harmony" program has brought positive effects on the stress of the clients in spite of relatively short period of five weeks. The clients has acknowledged plant/nature contact and interactions between group members for the most meaningful experiences. This research suggests "Green harmony" horticultural therapy program based on the therapeutic factors is highly applicable for the general populations.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Horticultural therapy is a complementary therapy by trained professionals utilizing plant and horticultural activities as media to pursue the positive change of clients, which resulting from stimuli of plant․nature, activities, and interaction with other people. Outdoor horticultural activities provide clients with the opportunities of the contact to nature. such as fresh air and sunlight as well as plants. But the importance of plant․nature to client's health has not been fully acknowledged compared to that of therapist's role and activities in horticultural therapy in Korea. In horticultural therapy it is possible for client to participate on the various levels from passive viewing to active gardening according to the client's ability. Therefore it is necessary for horticultural therapists to consider the therapeutic factors of plant․nature to maximize the therapeutic effect of horticultural therapy. The purpose of the research is to clarify the therapeutic factors in the contact of client with plant․nature and to emphasize those importance in horticultural therapy. From the review of the experimental researches five therapeutic factors were revealed: Natural light, plant․natural view, natural sound, aroma(volatile oils of plants), and plant itself. This paper raises the importance of outdoor activities in horticultural therapy and the necessity for severely handicapped clients to the contact with plant․nature, though passively.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research aimed to grasp the recognition of the amenity of the university students residing in Gyo-dong residential area in Gangneung city, the local residents residing in Daehag-ro which is near Jungang-ro in downtown and the public servants related to city development in Gangneung city office and thereby propose a plan to improve the amenity of Gangneung city. Based on the result of the research, the university student group around Gyo-dong residential area mostly recognized the amenity and the local residents around Daehag-ro showed insufficient recognition of the amenity and some of related public servants were found to be ignorant of the term amenity. Also, the priorities of amenity indexes identified from these 3 groups commonly showed aliveness requiring green lands and watercourses on top but 2nd priority of each group tended to be different from each other. Through the research result as above, we would like to propose the plan to improve as follows. First, the recognition of the concept of amenity is necessary. Second, green lands and watercourses that were selected by all of the 3 groups as ranking no. 1 should be secured. Third, the value of amenity resources should be evaluated. Gangneung city is a city where mountains and the sea are harmonized together granting abundant god blessed natural resources. But if Gangneung city would imprudently reclaims the excellent god blessed natural environment under the good title of city and housing lands development, its ranking in city competitiveness evaluations will be expected to continue descending. Therefore, as proposed in this research, the thing that has to be implemented with first priority for amenity Gangneung city is the execution of amenity policy to secure the identity of Gangneung city and the aspect of regulations or systems should also be pursued together with the policy.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Based on the result of extraction of common factors executed in order to elucidate the visual attributes of street scenery by types through the rotation of 23 adjective variables by Varimax, the visual attributes expressed after the construction of the facilities using street scenery were anylized to be 4 factors including factor 1 through factor 4. The explanation of the 4 factor groups to explain the entire distribution was 65.3% and these factor groups are the psychological attributes felt when using facilities are constructed by securing the street spaces in downtowns and the factors were named as naturalness(factor 1), locality(factor 2), identity(factor 3) and clarity(factor 4) respectively. Based on the result of one-way layout distribution analysis, the preferences for street scenery by types were found out to show considerable differences at 1% significance level. Based on the result of multiple regression analysis, all of the factors explaining preferences including factor 1 through factor 4 were significant at 1 % significance level. In case other conditions are constant, if the values of the adjective variables related to locality(factor 2) increase by 1 unit, the preferences which are the values of dependent variables will increase by 0.709. The variable with the largest relative contribution among the 4 factor groups was the locality(factor 2) factor group and on the contrary, it was found that the independent variable with least influences was the clarity(factor 4) factor group.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to research about salt marsh flora and vegetation in the Dongjin-river estuary area where has a project for Sea Man Geum Reclaimed Land so that we can foster foundation on restoration of an ecological habitat, development of applicable plant and establishment of a conservation policy after deceloping the reclaimed land for salt marsh vegetation which has great value ecologically. In conclusion, we was distributed that there are 7 families 21 genera, 25 species, 2 varieties of vascular plant at the Dongjin-river estuary area which have 27 taxa in total and are 0.64% among 4,191 of korean vascular plant. There are also 2 family, 2 genus, 2 species of a naturalized plant which are 1.1% of indicator of a naturalized plant salt marsh vegetation of the downstream are very much affected by the time of inundation, tidal water so that a low degree of salt marsh has frequent flooding by sea water and has a pure group of Suaeda japonica. A Phragmites communis, Carex scabrifolia are distributed mainly around a waterway of salt marsh and Zoysia sinica, Atriplex subcordata, Phragmites communis are living in stock as forming into patch around medium salt marsh. Suaeda asparagoides, Phacelurus latifolius are living around a little high ground and a Phragmites communis is a behind vegetation of Phacelurus latifolius and a part of the Phragmites communis are living along with waterway in a salt marsh as a community. By the Z-M method twelve plant communities were recognized ; Suaeda japonica, Carex scabrifolia, Zoysia sinica, Artemisia scoparia, Phacelurus latifolius, Phragmites communis, Suaeda maritima, Suaeda japonica-Atriplex gmelini, Phragmites communis-Suaeda japonica, Suaeda japonica-Salicornia herbacea, Salicornia herbacea-Suaeda asparagoides and Scirpus planiculmis community. The actual vegetation map was constructed on the grounds of the communities classified and other data.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to select the appropriate wild herbaceous plants on the rooftop. For the purpose of the experiments, 14 wild herbaceous plants were chosen. As the results of the experiments, the wild herbaceous plants growing on the culture soil(perlite) Among the 14 kinds of wild herbaceous plants, such as Chrysanthemum boreale, Taraxacum mongolicum, Aster Koraiensis, Aster yomena, Oenothera odorata, Oenothera lamarckiana, Patrinia scabiosaefolia showed good effects on growth of above ground parts. Therefore, these plants will effective for the rooftop revegetation. Callistephus chinensis and Lotus corniculatus var. Japonicus showed good height growth, wherase covering rate was worst. Chrysanthemum boreale, Platycodon grandiflorum, Patrinia scabiosaefolia were plant height, wherase covering rate was not good . For the expected number of seedings more than 3,000 per square meter, many seedings got withered to death while the survivors were suppressed to grow slow in the early stage due to the densityproblem.
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