The purpose of this study is to analyze seasonal distribution of insects, birds, fishes, and benthos for Gongji stream in Chuncheon and to explore some strategies towards creating a desirable close-to-nature stream. The number of species occurred in the study stream was 23 for butterflies and 149 for other insects, 23 for birds, 15 for fishes, and 47 for benthos. The study stream was dominated by Artogenia rapae, Polygonia caureum, Cyntia cardui for butterflies, and Passer montanus, Anas crecca, Anas platyrhynchos for birds. The dominant species were Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, Zacco platypus, Carassius auratus for fishes, and Limnodrilus sp. 2, Chironomus sp. 2, Hydropsyche KUb for benthos. Attracting insect species of higher density requires planting of host plant species and stabilization of plant coverage against disturbances. To enhance species diversity and density of birds, it is desirable to provide diverse habitats including preservation of downstream wetland and natural vegetation, creation of sand bars and islands with sand and gravel, and restriction of traffic passing and parking. Restoring fish and benthos habitats needs improvement of water quality, layout of gravels and stones on sand-dominant streambed, and use of close-to-nature revetment techniques.