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인삼에서 엽록소형광분석에 의한 스트레스의 지표화

Stress Indexing by Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Technique in Ginseng

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/362789
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한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

Background : The chlorophyll fluorescence imaging as non-destructive imaging methods have been used widely for efficiently early detection of plant responses to various stresses. The information from images acquired from different condition has the potential to generate specific signatures for particular stresses. Light-energy absorbed by plants is distributed over three competing processes: photosynthesis, thermal dissipation and chlorophyll fluorescence emission. An increase in Chl-FI thus implies a decrease in photosynthesis. The stresses in growing stage will change the efficacy of photosynthesis. As a example, Chl-FI of plant infections was carried out previously for a number of different viral and fungal plant–pathogen systems. Therefore, image can be used for differentiation of various stress index.
Methods and results : 2-years-old ginseng plants were transplanted to plastic pots and each stress factors were treated. The stress factors used in this study were high temperature, low temperature, fungicide, and fungal pathogen. High temperature stress was induced by placing pots inside incubator adjusted at 35℃. For treatment of low temperature stress, ginseng plants were stored at 5℃ refrigerator for 5 minutes. Pathogen stress was carried to inoculate mycelial disk. Alternaria panax was inoculated potato-dextrose-medium and cultured for 10 days at 25℃. Mycelial disk obtained from cultured plate were placed on the one leaf of ginseng. Azoxystrobin wp was diluted 500, 1,000 times in tap water and sprayed to ginseng plants. Chlorophyll fluorescence image was acquired from each plant that stress treated and analyzed with sigma plot software.
Conclusion : Important value, Fv/Fm (maximum efficiency of photosystem II), Fp (peak fluorescence during the initial phase of the operating efficiency of the Kautsky effect), NPQ-lss (steady-state, non-photochemical), etc., were significantly changed by variable stress index. But it was impossible to differentiate kind of stress by acquired value.

  • 김승한(풍기인삼연구소) | Seung Han Kim Corresponding author
  • 최양애(풍기인삼연구소) | Yang Ae Choi
  • 장명환(풍기인삼연구소) | Myeong Hwan Jang
  • 원도연(풍기인삼연구소) | Do Yeon Won
  • 정지윤(풍기인삼연구소) | Ji Yun Jung
  • 김임수(풍기인삼연구소) | Im Soo Kim