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전북지역 지황 선발계통의 지역적응성 검정

Test of Regional Adaptation for High Quality Selection of Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz in Jeonbuk Area

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/362805
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한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

Background : The cultivation area of Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz is 156 ㏊ ('16), which is one of my representative medicinal crops. However, since it grows by roots, the damage of the repeated cultivation and the degeneration of the seedstock are increasing. To solve these problems, we are developing new varieties every year by testing the regional adaptability of high quality system. In recent years, as the quality and quantity of new varieties have been proven to increase, the need for continuous development of excellent varieties is increasing.
Methods and Results : The test material used a jihwang-1 as standard variety, the system was planted in 3-year (RGES 20), 2-year (RGES 21, 22, 23) and 3-year (RGES 24, 25). The root lengths were cut at intervals of about 2 to 3 ㎝ and immersed for 20 minutes in a fludioxonil suspension concentrate (1,000-fold dilution) and shaded for 1 day. Sowing was planted on April 30th, and planting interval was 30 ㎝ × 15 ㎝. Growth investigation was carried out on the overground growing (plant length, leaf length, leaf number, plant type, etc) and degree of generation of pests. As a result of the growth investigation, the third year RGES 20, the second year RGES 22, and the first year RGES 25 were excellent. RGES 20 was upright type and superior in overground growing, RGES 22 had strong pest resistance. RGES 25 was characterized by strong at high temperature, but growth is not as good as other high quality system.
Conclusion : Recently, the difficulty of cultivation of zucchini has been increasing due to abnormal weather. Especially in this year, high temperature of 35℃ or more continued for about 30 days, and the need to cultivate varieties resistant to high temperatures is increasing. Therefore, it is expected that RGES 25 can be registered as a promising strain that is resistant to high temperature if the yield is corrected.

  • 김효진(전라북도농업기술원 약용자원연구소) | Hyo Jin Kim Corresponding author
  • 서상영(전라북도농업기술원 약용자원연구소) | Sang Young Seo
  • 김창수(전라북도농업기술원 약용자원연구소) | Chang Su Kim
  • 안민실(전라북도농업기술원 약용자원연구소) | Min Sil An
  • 이우문(농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부) | Woo Moon Lee