Background : Ixeris strigosa is a herb which has used leaves and roots in Korea. Recently, the cultivation area and food imports have been increased because it has been used as an functional crops for anti-obesity. However its cultivation method has not been developed and it is difficult to produce with good quality. Therefore, this experiment was carried out to determine the optimum seedroot size, plant number per hill, planting time, planting density, planting method and mulching materials for improving the cultivation method suitable for domestic environment.
Methods and Results : In order to identify the proper cultivation method, I. strigosa was collected in Dangjin, Chungnam in 2016 and the yield and crop characteristics were investigated at the end of October. The seedroots were cultivated by size such as large (length 30 ㎜, thickness more than 1 ㎜), medium (30 ㎜, 1 ㎜ - 1.5 ㎜) and small (30 ㎜, less than 1 ㎜). As a result, the production of the medium-sized seedroot was highest at 950 ㎏/10a. Based on these results, medium-sized seedroots passed winter in previous year were used when plant number per hill, planting time, planting density, planting method and mulching materials were investigated. At plant number per hill, 3 seeds/hill was the highest at 836 ㎏/10a among 1, 3 and 5 seeds/hill. When the seedroots were planted at intervals of one month from mid April to mid August, the yield was the highest at 1,647 ㎏/10a at the middle of May. When the planting densities were 10 × 10, 20 × 10, 20 × 15 and 20 × 20 ㎝, 10 × 10 and 20 × 10 ㎝ had highest production. And two methods for planting have been used, one was to plant at right angles and the other to lay down. As a result, the latter yield was 612 ㎏/10a. Finally, when comparing non woven fabrics, color combination polyethylene film, black polyethylene film and no treatment among the mulching materials, black polyethylene film made the highest yield at 1,044 ㎏/10a.
Conclusion : For improving the cultivation of I. strigosa, this study determined the optimum seed size, plant number per hill, planting time, planting density, planting method and mulching materials. In conclusion, the production was the best when the plant was laid down on a black polyethylene film at intervals of 20 × 10 ㎝ at the middle of May, using 3 medium-sized seeds per hill. These results are expected to contribute to the productivity and income farmers of I. strigosa.