Background : Ginseng is an important agriculture plant in Korea. However, plant yield is reduced by pathogens. Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium solani are responsible for root-rot and replant failure of ginseng in Korea. Because of root rot pathogen, the productivity decreased and repeated cultivation is difficult.
Methods and Results : The number of Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium solani in soils can be measured by real-time PCR. This methode makes it possible to select of land for caltivation of ginseng. The specific primers of C. destructans and F. solani were synthesized from β-tubulin region. The equation of the standard curve between the colony forming unit(cfu) and the Ct value in the C. destructans was y (Ct value) = -1.608X (cfu) + 39.325. The equation of the standard curve between the colony forming unit (cfu) and the Ct value in the Fusarium solani was y (Ct value) = -1.608X (cfu) + 39.077. This method makes possible to rapidly exactly measure the number of pathogens in soil. C. destructans, a ginseng root rot fungus, was detected in soil samples of 32 (16%) in soil samples. 35.5% of paddy field, 34.3% of paddy field, 64.1% of field, and 65.6% of paddy field were found in perennial plant.
Conclusion : As a result, the major causative agent of ginseng root rot was Cylindrocarpon and the onset density was 102 cfu/g in soil. There was no significant difference in density between fusarium and disease.