Background : The small-scale medicinal crops is rapidly decreasing, and there is a risk of collapse of the pharmaceutical production base due to the radical market opening such as the Korea - China FTA. Among them, the Artemisia gmelinii has been used in the oriental medicine, and it is effective in treating the fever, humidity, urination, and scabies. Although it is being grown in small areas such as Gyeongnam and Gangwon Province in Korea, standardization of raw material production is insufficient. Then we were carried out on seed characteristics and growth characteristics by harvest time of A. gmelinii.
Methods and Results : We were collected 114 accession from 7 regions from 2017 to 2018. The collected resources were growing to the testing field of Department of Herbal Crop Research. An average length and width of seed in A. gmelinii were 1.05 ㎜, 0.57 ㎜ respectively. A thousand seed weight were 0.42 g. Seed germination rate was highest at 25℃ (76.4%). Plant height was similar, stem diameter was 9 – 15 ㎜ in early growth collected resources. AG1801 had many leaves (60 ea), AG1802 was blooming fast.
Conclusion : The above results showed that AG1801, AG1802, and AG1803 were selected good resources. We will analyze a valid ingredient by harvest time.