Background : Curcumae Longae Rhizoma (薑黃) is listed in「The Korea Pharmacopoeia (K P)」as the original plant of Curcuma longa L (Zingiberaceae). Meanwhile, Zeodariae Rhizoma (莪朮) is listed in 「The Korea Pharmacopoeia (KP)」as the original plant of C. phaeocaulis, C. aromatica and C. Kwangsiensi (Zingiberaceae). Due to the morphological similarities of the dried roots of this plant to those of C. phaeocaulis, C. aromatica and C. Kwangsiensis which is used as a substitute herbal for C.longa, distinguish these four species is extremely difficult.
Methods and Results : A total of 90 collected samples were used in this study, In order to clearly distinguish of Curcumae Longae Rhizoma and Zeodariae Rhizoma were analysis based on sequence of the chloroplast DNA (trnK, rbcL, trnL-F, atpB-rbcL) and nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS2). The present study aimed to analyze the percent of variable sites were provided the highest trnK (2.3%), in oder to develop a species-specific primer that can distinguish C.longa form C. phaeocaulis, C. aromatica and C. Kwangsiensis. In addition, the complete chloroplast genome of C. longa were sequenced by a 454 sequencing platform, and the structure of the obtained chloroplast genome was also analyzed. the result used that INDEL (insertion/deletion) marker for distinguish C.longa form C. phaeocaulis, C. aromatica and C. Kwangsiensis.
Conclusion : The INDEL markers were developed based on the divergence of each sequence, and it is possible now to identify the four species of Curcumae Longae Rhizoma with just a single performance of PCR. This will not only prevent misused of the plant, but also to maintain the quality of the herbal medicine as well as to verify and guarantee safety for public health.