밀양강 수계 7개 지점에 대하여 1997년 4월부터 12월까지 5회에 걸쳐 채집된 저서성 대형무척추동물의 군집분석 및 저서성 대형무척추동물에 의한 생물학적 수질평가 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
분류군은 총 3문 8강 15목 37과 45속 81종으로서 빈모류 1종, 거머리류 2종, 복족류 6종, 부족류 5종, 갑각류 2종, 곤충류 65종으로 곤충류가 가장 많았다.
전체 지점에 대한 평균 개체수 현존량은 815개체/㎡였다. 이 중 곤충류(약80%)가 가장 많았으며, 다시 곤충류 중에는 하루살이류(약 70%)와 날도래류(약 18%)가 주를 이루었다. 각 지점별 평균개체수 현존량을 보면, 제1지점인 청도천의 경우 262개체/㎡(32.2%)로서 가장 많은 출현율을 보였고, 제7지점인 밀양강 끝지점의 경우 38개체 /㎡(4.7%)로서 가장 출현율이 낮았다.
전체 평균 수준에서의 제1우점종은 Ecdyomurus levis Navas였으며, 우점도지수는 0.3이었다. 각 지점별 우점종을 보면 제1지점부터 제5지점까지는 Ecdyomurus levis Navas이였고, 제6지점과 제7지점은 Hirudinidae sp.1이었다. 그리고, 전체 평균 수준에서의 다양도지수는 2.66이었다. 조사지점별 평균 다양도 지수를 보면 제4지점이 가장 높았으며(H'=3.47), 다음은 제2지점, 1지점, 3지점, 5지점, 6지점, 7지점의 순이었다.
생물학적 지표종을 중심으로한 수질평가에 의하면, 밀양강 전체의 평균은 군오염지수(GPI) 1,49로서 β-mesosaprobic의 II급수로 평가되었다. 각 지점별로는 제3지점의 경우 Oligosaprobic의 I급수로서 가장 양호한 수질이었고, 제1지점과, 제2지점, 제4지점, 제5지점은 β-mesosaprobic의 II급수로, 제6지점은 β-mesosaprobic의 III급수로 평가되었다. 그리고, 제7지점은 α-mesosaprobic의 III급수로서 가장 수질이 불량한 것으로 평가되었다.
Fauna and biological water quality using benthic macroinvertebrates were analysed and estimated macroinvertebrates. Samples were collected 5 times from the 7 sites in the river between April and December 1997, and the results are summarized as follows.
The taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates was totally composed 81 species, 45 genus, 37 families, 15 orders, 8 classes in 3 phyla. Among them, aquatic insects were mostly abundant as 65 species, and also, there were a species of oligochaetes, 2 species of hirundinida, 6 species of gastropods, 5 species of pelecypoda, and 2 species of crustaceans.
Average individual numbers in the whole sampling sites was 815 per square meter, and insects were abundant (Approx. 80%). Among the insects, the major taxa were respectively ephemeroptera (Approx. 70%) and trichoptera (Approx. 18%). According to the average individual numbers in each site, Chungdo stream (site 1) showed the highest appearance rate as 262 individual/㎡ (32.2%), and the lowest value was at the end of Miryang River (site 7) as 38 individual/㎡ (4.7%).
The dominant species among the whole samples was Ecdyomurus levis Navas, and dominance indices was 0.3. In each site, Ecdyomurus levis Navas was dominant species from site 1 to site 5, and dominant species at site 6 and 7 was respectively Hirudinidae sp. 1.
Species diversity index in total average of samples was 2.66. Average of species diversity index according to each study site was the highest value at site 4 (H'=3.47). and site 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 in that order.
According to the water quality as biotic indices, GPI value was 1.49 in total average of Miryang river, and the pollution indices evaluated secondary water quality criteria as β-mesosaprobics. In each site, the best water quality was at site 3, and it revealed the first water quality criteria as Oligosaprobic. It was then site 1, 2, 4 and 5 in the order of water quality, and was evaluated secondary water quality criteria as β-mesosaprobics, respectively. Site 6 was also revealed the third water quality criteria as β-mesosaprobics. The worst water quality was at site 7, which revealed the third water quality criteria as α-mesosaprobics.