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IMU 센서와 비전 시스템을 활용한 달 탐사 로버의 위치추정 알고리즘 KCI 등재

Localization Algorithm for Lunar Rover using IMU Sensor and Vision System

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/366346
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로봇학회논문지 (The Journal of Korea Robotics Society)
한국로봇학회 (Korea Robotics Society)

In this paper, we propose an algorithm that estimates the location of lunar rover using IMU and vision system instead of the dead-reckoning method using IMU and encoder, which is difficult to estimate the exact distance due to the accumulated error and slip. First, in the lunar environment, magnetic fields are not uniform, unlike the Earth, so only acceleration and gyro sensor data were used for the localization. These data were applied to extended kalman filter to estimate Roll, Pitch, Yaw Euler angles of the exploration rover. Also, the lunar module has special color which can not be seen in the lunar environment. Therefore, the lunar module were correctly recognized by applying the HSV color filter to the stereo image taken by lunar rover. Then, the distance between the exploration rover and the lunar module was estimated through SIFT feature point matching algorithm and geometry. Finally, the estimated Euler angles and distances were used to estimate the current position of the rover from the lunar module. The performance of the proposed algorithm was been compared to the conventional algorithm to show the superiority of the proposed algorithm.

 1. 서 론
 2. 본 론
  2.1 IMU 센서를 이용한 오일러 각 추정
  2.2 비전 시스템을 이용한 거리 추정
 3. 실 험
  3.1 IMU 센서를 이용한 오일러 각 추정
  3.2 비전 시스템을 이용한 거리 추정
 4. 결 론
  • 강호선(Pusan National University) | Hosun Kang
  • 안종우(Pusan National University) | Jongwoo An
  • 임현수(Pusan National University) | Hyunsoo Lim
  • 황슬우(Pusan National University) | Seulwoo Hwang
  • 천유영(Pusan National University) | Yuyeong Cheon
  • 김은한(Pusan National University) | Eunhan Kim
  • 이장명(Electrical Engineering, Pusan National University) | Jangmyung Lee Corresponding author