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한ㆍ미 FTA의 효과에 관한 소고(小考)

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/368853
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 3,000원
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

Since Zohar(1980) emphasized the influence of social, organizational, and psychological context in occupational safety and health study, the research in this area tends to be emphasizing the influences of personal and physical interaction. With this research trend, this paper is to examine the relationship between safety climate model and safety accident, and the interactional or moderating effect of personal and physical factor on the above relationship. Author conducted a survey to 292 manufacturing workers in construction industry, and the chief results of statistical analysis are as follows : 1) management involvement, safety education, precaution activities, and safety system have negative effects on safety accident, 2) a-type personality has interactional effect on safety accident with communication, precaution activities, and safety system. 3) physical job load has interactional effect on safety accident with precaution activities, and safety system.

 1. 문제제기 및 연구목적
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1 안전분위기와 안전사고
  2.2 인적-물적 요인의 상호작용
 3. 연구설계
  3.1 자료수집 및 변수측정
  3.2 분석방법
 4. 조사결과의 분석
  4.1 안전분위기와 안전사고의 관계 검증
  4.2 인적ㆍ물적 특성의 조절효과 검증
 5. 요약 및 결언
 6. 참고문헌
  • 안관영 | Ahn Kwan Young