This study was performed to develop the biological treatment technology of wastewater polluted with heavy metals. Zinc-tolerant microorganism, such as Pseudomonas chlororaphis which possessed the ability to accumulate zinc, was isolated from industrial wastewaters polluted with various heavy metals. The characteristics of zinc accumulation in the cells, recovery of the zinc from the cells accumulating zinc, were investigated.
Removal rate of zinc from the solution containing 100 ㎎/ℓ of zinc by zinc-tolerant microorganism was more than 90% at 48 hours after inoculation of the microorganisms.
A large number of the electron-dense granules were found mainly on the cell wall and membrane fractions, when determined by transmission electron microscope. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed that the electron-dense granules were zinc complex with the substances binding heavy metals.
The zinc accumulated into cells was not desorbed by distilled water, but more than 80% of the zinc accumulated was desorbed by 0.1M-EDTA. The residues of the cells after combustion at 550℃ amounted to about 21% of the dry weight of the cells. EDS analysis showed that the residues were comparatively pure zinc compounds containing more than 79% of zinc.