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경상도 남부지역 연해 군현과 수군영진의 선소(船所)에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on the Shipyard of the Costal Counties and the Naval Castle in the Southern Gyeongsang-do

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/371480
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

The Chosun Dynasty established and implemented measures to prevent Japanese invasion into the southern coast. To this end, the number of naval vessels and the number of ships were increased, and a shipyard(船所) was constructed to protect the safety of the vessels. The shipyard is a port facility where military vessels are anchored and repaired, as well as public facilities that are needed for military training on public and land, as well as facilities for storing supplies and equipment needed for ships on land and defense at the port entrance. Despite being such an important facility for national defense, Shipyard has not been noticed. Studies have shown that the position of shipyard is divided into the riverside type and the riverbank type, which is due to the topographical features of Korea. The repair cycle of naval vessels, the carrying out of Yeonhun(prevent the water from decaying the part of the ship, a raw tree was burned to smoke) and the place of sea training also affected the construction of the Gul River(掘江). The space structure of shipyard is divided into port entry facilities for monitoring and controlling at the entrance to the harbor, border facilities for folding and repairing military vessels, and land facilities for holding land exercises and administrative work of military vessels and military equipment.

 1. 서 론
 2. 선소의 용어 및 실례
  2-1. 용어와 용례
  2-2. 연해 군현과 수군 영진의 선소
 3. 선소(船所)의 입지와 기능
  3-1. 입지 유형 <표 1·2>
  3-2. 군선(軍船)의 수량과 선소
  3-3. 수군의 조련(操練)
  3-4. 봉수(烽燧)와 통신
 4. 선소의 각종 시설
  4-1. 감시 및 출입 통제시설
  4-2. 군선의 접안(接岸) 및 관리시설
  4-3. 육상(陸上) 시설
 5. 결론
  • 권순강((재)우리문화재연구원 조사연구부장) | Kwon Soon-Kang Corresponding Author
  • 이호열(부산대학교 건설융합부) | Lee Ho-Yeol