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조세범처벌법 제9조 제1항의 ‘조세포탈’의 의미 -대법원 2007. 2. 15. 선고 2005도9546 판결- KCI 등재

The Meaning of " tax evasion " Provided in Article 9 (1) of the Punishment of Tax Evaders Act

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/373902
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
刑事判例硏究 (형사판례연구)
한국형사판례연구회 (Korean Association of Criminal Case Studies)

Article 9(1) of the Punishment of Tax Evaders Act (“PTEA”) stipulates that any person who evades tax obligations through fraud of other wrongful conduct shall be punished under the PTEA. So far, most of discussions surrounding Article 9(1) of the PTEA were focused on the meaning of “fraud” or “wrongful conduct.”
In the case at hand, the focus was on the meaning of “tax evasion.” There has been much controversy and debate over this issue. The debate centers on the issue of whether a person who has properly reported the tax base and therefore cannot be said to have interfered with the tax authorities’ ability to impose and determine tax liabilities, but instead has hindered the collection of the tax, can be punished under the PTEA. In the recent Supreme Court Decision 2005 Do 9546 delivered February 15, 2007 the court ruled that even if there was no interference of the imposition or determination of tax, if there was interference of collection of tax, then the conduct should also be punished. The author of this paper fully agrees with the Supreme Court's decision for the following reasons:
First, the legislative purpose of the PTEA is to secure the state’s tax revenues as well as realize the spirit of fairness and justice in tax collection. Moreover, although anyone can report tax returns properly, if that person deliberately attempts to avoid the collection of tax, that conduct cannot go unpunished. Tax returns, in the end, serve the purpose of facilitating tax collection. Second, on a practical level, hindrance of the imposition /determination of tax and the hindrance of collection are both unlawful behavior that bring on the same result, and therefore should be treated alike.
In conclusion, the recent Supreme Court decision is significant in that it clarifies the interpretation of “tax evasion” as stipulated in Article 9(1) of the PTEA. More importantly, this interpretation is in accordance with the principle of the legal principle of Nullum crimen sine lege.

  1. 對象判決의 요지
  2. 공소사실의 요지
  3. 하급심의 판단
  1. 조세포탈죄에 관한 기존의 논의
  2. 문제의 소재
  3. 견해의 대립
  4. 사견
  5. 결 론
  • 金熙喆(서울행정법원) | Kim Hee-Chul (Seoul Administrative Court)