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세계, 사인(Sign) 그리고 건축 - 개념적 건축과 창조적 건축의 구분을 위한 시도 - KCI 등재

World, Sign and Architecture: An Attempt to differentiate Creative Architecture from Conceptual Architecture

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/374008
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

The main aim of the paper is to reveal what is the sign in art and architecture and what is difference between technology and art. By keeping in mind the suggestions of Heidegger's four different worlds, we become able to discern or elaborate on four different contexts of signs and modes in which the sign can work. World (1) is not conceptualized by selected relations of some of things' aspects with one another; rather, it is constructed by our sensory impressions. The sign of World (1) simply points to other objects occurring in the situation. World (2) emerges as an ontological term, and signifies, in terms of relations that are now brought systematically forth, the Being of those entities of World (1) which we naively perceive or take for granted. The sign of World (2) signifies a constructed world. World (3) is understood as the 'wherein' or environment of beings whose total activity is proven to be inseparable from their circumstances. The sign of World (3) is to recover the perspicuous silence of World (3). The World (4) is the ontological-existential understanding of worldhood. The sign of World (4) is to reveal the conspicuous silence of World (4). Finally, the paper suggests that art including architecture cannot be the sign of World (1), (2) but the one of World (3).

  • 이동언(동명정보대 건축과) | Lee Dong-Eon (Tongmyong University of Information Tech)