꼬리풀속(Veronica) 20종의 생장 및 개화 특성
본 연구는 Veronica속 20종의 생장 및 개화 특성을 평가하기 위해 2년 동안 국립수목원 식물자원연구과 육종온실에서 수행하였다. Veronica속 식물은 다양한 생장 및 개화 특성을 가지고 있었다. 꼬리풀 20종을 식물 형태 및 초장에 따라 분류하였다. 포복형의 10cm 미만 초장은 V. armena와 V. repens, 직립형 30cm 미만 초장은 V. gentianoides ‘Little blues’ 등 4종, 직립형 30~60cm 사이 초장은 V. gentianoides ‘Blue Streak’ 등 7종, 직립형 60cm 이상 초장은 V. incana 등 7종이었다. 대부분의 엽색은 초록색이었고 V. incana와 V. incana ‘Silbersee’는 잎에 흰 털이 있었다. 꽃대 수는 5.3개부터 80.7개, 화수는 4.5개부터 67.3개였고 개화일은 3월 초순부터 6월 중순이었다. 화서의 형태는 총상화서, 수상화서, 취산화서로 분류하였다. 화색은 보라색 13종, 분홍색 2종, 흰색 5종이었다. 2017년 모든 개체가 개화한 종은 3종으로 V. longifolia ‘Blue Shades’, V. spicata ‘Blue Bouquet’, V. subsessilis ‘Blue Pyramid’였고, 일부 개체만 개화한 종은 7종으로 V. armena, V. gentianoides ‘Little Blues’, V. longifolia ‘Alba’, V. prostrata ‘Nestor’, V. spicata, V. spicata ‘Alba’, V. spicata ‘Sightseeing’ 이었다. 모든 개체가 개화하지 않은 종은 10종으로 V. gentianoides ‘Blue Streak’, V. incana, V. incana ‘Silbersee’, V. longifolia ‘Pink Shades’, V. orchidea ‘Blue Fingers’, V. repens, V. schmidtiana, V. spicata ‘Blue Carpet’, V. spicata ‘Pink Goblin’, V. teucrium ‘Royal Blue’였다. 반면, 2018년에는 모든 종의 개체가 개화하였다.
The ornamental performance of 20 Veronica species was evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the division of plant resources, Korea National Arboretum, for two years using 20 Veronica species. Veronica species have a variety of characteristics, with different growth and flowering patterns. Twenty Veronica species were classified into four groups based on plant form and height. V. armena and V. repens were classified as running (< 10 cm), 4 species, including V. gentianoides ‘Little Blues’, were classified as ascending-short (10 cm - 29 cm), 7 species, including V. gentianoides ‘Blue Streak’, were classified as ascending-middle (30 cm - 60 cm), and 7 species, including V. incana, were classified as ascending-long (60 cm <). Almost all the leaves were green; however, the leaves of V. incana and V. incana ‘Silbersee’ had white hair. The number of floral axes ranged from 5.3 to 80.7, while the number of inflorescences ranged from 4.5 to 67.3. The f lowers bloomed f rom early March to mid-June. The inflorescence types included receme, spike, and cyme. The inflorescence colors were purple (13 species, including V. armena), pink (V. longifolia ‘Pink Shades’ and V. spicata ‘Pink Goblin’), and white (5 species, including V. gentianoides ‘Blue Streak’). V. longifolia ‘Blue Shades’, V. spicata ‘Blue Bouquet’, and V. subsessilis ‘Blue Pyramid’ all bloomed in 2017. V. armena, V. gentianoides ‘Little Blues’, V. longifolia ‘Alba’, V. prostrata ‘Nestor’, V. spicata, V. spicata ‘Alba’, and V. spicata ‘Sightseeing’ only partially bloomed. V. gentianoides ‘Blue Streak’, V. incana, V. incana ‘Silbersee’, V. longifolia ‘Pink Shades’, V. orchidea ‘Blue Fingers’, V. repens, V. schmidtiana, V. spicata f. Nana ‘Blue Carpet’, V. spicata ‘Pink Goblin’, and V. teucrium ‘Roy al B lue’ d id not bloom. However, all plants bloomed in 2018.