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Scrambling, Anti-Reconstruction, and Binding KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/388938
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현대문법연구 (Studies in Modern Grammar)
현대문법학회 (The Society Of Modern Grammar)

It has been widely accepted that it is difficult to characterize scrambling in terms of A/A'-distinction. One of the most challenging examples in Korean is binding-related examples that are closely connected with (anti-) reconstruction effects. This paper points out that it is problematic to attempt to define scrambling depending on only the availability of reconstruction effects on the basis of the binding principles(Condition B and C). Instead, we need to consider non-canonical relations among anaphors, pronouns, and Rexpressions in understanding the interplay between scrambling and binding in Korean; the complexity of binding relations is disguised as the inconsistent behaviors of scrambling with regard to (anti-)reconstruction. Based on the assumption that scrambling is not a semantically vacuous movement and the non-trivial fact that anti-reconstruction effects are observed in a wider variety of data while reconstruction effects are limited to cases in which anaphors are scrambled, I argue that (at least in binding-related constructions) scrambling disallows ‘reconstruction effects’ and examples that have been considered to be involved in reconstruction effects can be accounted for within the frame of ‘anti-reconstruction effects’.

1. Introduction
2. No Reconstruction in Scrambling
    2.1. Beyond Reconstruction
    2.2. Anti-Reconstruction
    2.3. Pseudo-Reconstruction
    2.4. Summary
3. Further Discussions on Caki and Ku
4. Conclusion
  • Min Jegal(Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon)