A Basic Study on the Feng Shui Culture of the Yuan Dynasty
원대(元代)의 몽골 왕조는 한족의 전통문화를 적극적으로 보호하고 수용했다. 송대의 전통 지식체계였던 풍수지리는 원대의 수도 입지론으로 발전되었다. 원의 대도는 풍수지리 형기론을 바탕으로 길지로 판단되었다. 원과 대도 건립에 공헌한 한인(漢人) 유병충은 음양학에도 정통하여. 『옥척경(玉尺經)』을 남겼다. 『옥척경(玉尺經)』에서는 형기론, 이기론을 체용과 겸용의 관계로 상정했다. 『옥척경(玉尺經)』의 풍수론은 명청대 풍수론의 중심에 있었고, 조선시대 풍수학 관료들의 연구 학습서의 내용으로 이어졌다. 원대의 풍수지리는 수도입지론으로 활용되었고 음양학은 관학이 되었으며 음양학 과시서의 주요 내용은 풍수지리였다. 원대 음양학(陰陽學) 과시 시행 은 집현원(集賢院)에서 감독했고, 정식 학교를 설치하여 전문 음양학 관료들을 양성했다. 원대 과시서의 풍수이론은 형기론, 이기론, 선택론, 풍수 각론 등 다양했다. 풍수지리는 지배계층의 전폭적인 신뢰로 사회 전체에서 유행되었으며, 지나친 유행으로 폐단이 심해지자 정부에서는 법률을 제정하여 폐단을 엄금했다. 원대의 풍수지리 연구와 발전은 고려, 명, 청, 조선시대 풍수학 연구와 발전의 계기로 작용했으며, 풍수지리가 수도입지론, 도시계획으로 정착되는 계기를 마련했다. 원대의 풍수지리는 호한(胡漢) 문화의 성공적 융합 결과이며, 전통 지식체계의 확산은 동서남북 문화 교류가 촉진되는 발판으로 기능했다. 풍수지리는 대도를 거쳐 북경의 고궁으로 계승되어 현재 세계문화유산으로 귀속되어 있다.
The Mongol dynasty of China embraced and actively protected the traditional culture of the Han people. A typical cases are the administrative system, ancestor worship, ritual culture and yin yang study. From the early days of the Mongol Dynasty, emperors always employed a talent in Yinyang study. After the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, yin yang study became an official school. Based on the trust of the Yuan emperors and the ruling classes, feng shui culture became popular throughout society. But by blind faith in the yinyang study and feng shui, there have been bad results throughout society. In the Yuan Dynasty, laws were enacted to address the abuses caused by the blind faith in the yin yang study and feng shui. The Yin Yang School System of the Yuan Dynasty was overseen by a high-ranking government agency. The main subject of the yin yang study test was feng shui, and feng shui theory was very diverse. In accordance with the trend of feng shui culture, the Yuan Dynasty used feng shui theory to decide the capital city. The capital was determined to be Dadu, present-day Beijing, and the capital was judged to be a great place based on the theory of feng shui. Liu Bing zhong, a servant of the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, contributed to the formation of the Yuan Dynasty and the establishment of the Dadu. Liu Bing zhong was a Han people, a confucian scholar, a yinyang scholar and a feng shui scholar. In the feng shui Book of Liu Bing zhong, Yu chi jing, is a feng shui literature that emphasizes both the main theories of feng shui. In Yu Chi Jing, the author placed great importance on the influence of nature's patterns on people. Yu Chi Jing's contents and system were based on the writings of the important feng shui literature of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The feng shui culture of the Mongol and Yuan Dynasty is a phenomenon that emerged in the process of understanding and utilizing the feng shui culture of the Han people. The feng shui culture of the Yuan Dynasty has set the stage for the establishment of official feng shui culture in the Goryeo, the Ming, the Qing and the Joseon Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty's feng shui culture is the reproduction and development of typical convergence of Hu and han culture. In the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Hu and Han people“s cultures were fused around Xian. On the other hand, the Hu and Han people“s cultures of the Yuan Dynasty were fused around Dadu. The current Beijing is reflecting the history of Feng Shui which developed traditional culture into creative urban planning and spread it to world heritage sites.