This study was conducted to investigate the status and prospects of seed quality researches in rapeseed. Rapeseed Quality was mainly related to oil and protein content, fatty acid composition and glucosinolate content. Hence, breeding for improvement of rapeseed Quality has been emphasized as follows: 1) inheritance mode, 2) investigation of germplasm, 3) establishment of analysis technique, 4) establishment of selection method, 5) idealization of cultural technique. The oil quality is determined by its fatty acids. Fatty acids have been determined by gas chromatography. To improve oil quality was emphasized for zero erucic acid, the highest possible linoleic acid and the lowest possible linolenic acid content. Rapeseed meal is not considered as top quality feed ingredient although it has higher protein content and well-balanced amino acid composition. This is mainly because of the presence of considerable amounts of glucosinolates. Thus the reduction of glucosinolate content in rapeseed meal is of great importance. In breeding for meal quality, low glucosinolate lines (plants) were selected and analyzed by gas chromatography and UV-spectrophotometer. Current problems and future researches of rapeseed quality in Korea are 1) improvement of researcher's number and facilities, 2) depression of animal feeding trials, 3) unsatisfied relationship between research and manufacturing and products field, 4) improvement of fertility for yellow and thin seed coat lines crossed between mustard and rapeseed, 5) establishment of new rapid analysing system for rapeseed quality.