In Search of Educational Alternatives for Representative Meanings of Chinese Characters of Which the Meanings Were Defined with the Pronunciation ‐ Focusing on 900 Basic Chinese Characters for Middle School Chinese Characters Education -
자음정의한 대표 자의의 교육적 대안 모색 -중학교 한문교육용 기초한자 900자를 중심으로-
본고는 2015 개정 한문과 교육과정에 따라 집필된 중학교 한문 교과서에서 활용된 중학교 한문 교육용 기초한자 900자 가운데, 대표 字義를 字音으로 定義한 한자의 교육적 대안의 모색을 시도하여서, 이에 대한 연구의 확산과 차기 교육과정에 따라 집필될 중학교 한문교과서에 반영하는데 기여하고자 하였다. 2015 개정 한문과 교육과정에 따라 집필된 17종의 중학교 한문 교과서에서 자음으로 대표 자의로 제시한 한자는 各자 등 34자이다. 이 가운데 제시한 빈도가 높은 功자 등 17자에 대한 자의의 이해도를 설문조사로 살펴보았다. 그 결과 학생들은 門, 房, 城, 時, 藥, 羊, 銀, 冊, 兄자 등 9자는 자의의 원래 의미로 이해하고 있었으나, 나머지 한자인 功, 德, 半, 病, 福, 姓, 窓, 恨자 등 8자는 이해도가 낮았다. 자음정의자의 교육적 대안 모색은 동일한 학생들을 대상으로 하여, 功자 등 8자의 字義를 자전에서 제시한 순서대로 주고, 그 가운데 이해가 쉬운 한자 순으로 1, 2, 3의 번호를 매기게 한 후, 가중치를 주어서 합산하여 이해도를 정했다. 그 결과 功자는 대표자의를 ‘공로’나 ‘공적’으로 제시하여야 하고, 德자는 ‘도덕’으로 제시하여야 하며, 半자는 ‘절반’으로 제시하여야 하고, 病자는 ‘질병’으로 제시하여야 한다. 福자는 ‘행복’으로 제시하여야 하고, 姓자는 성씨’로 제시하여야 하며, 窓자는 ‘창문’으로 제시하여야 하고, 恨자는 ‘한탄하다’로 제시하여야 한다. 본 연구는 대표 字義를 字音으로 정의한 字義의 문제점과 그 교육적 대안을 찾아보는 시도에 불과하므로 연구자들의 관심과 연구의 확산을 기대해 보며, 차기 한문교과서를 저술할 때 참고가 되었으면 한다.
Of the 900 basic Chinese characters for middle school Chinese characters education used in the middle school Chinese characters textbook written according to the 2015 revised Chinese characters subject curriculum, this study attempts to find an educational alternative for meanings of Chinese characters of which the representative meaning was defined with the character pronunciation, and intends to contribute to the spread of research on this and to reflect it in the Chinese characters textbook of middle schools that will be written according to the next curriculum. In 17 kinds of middle school Chinese characters textbooks written according to the 2015 revised Chinese characters subject textbook curriculum, the Chinese characters presented as the representative meaning of a Chinese character by character pronunciation are 34 characters such as Gak(各) character. Among these, through a questionnaire survey, this study examined the degree of understanding of the meaning of a Chinese character for 17 characters, such as Gong(功) character, which are frequently presented. As a result, the students understood 9 characters such as Mun(門), Bang(房), Seong(城), Shi(時), Yak(藥), Yang(羊), Eun(銀), Chaek(冊), Hyeong(兄) as the original meaning of the meaning of a Chinese character, but they had a low degree of understanding for the remaining 8 Chinese characters such as Gong(功), Deok(德), Ban (半), Byeong(病), Bok(福), Seong(姓), Chang(窓), Han(恨). As for the search of educational alternatives for Chinese characters defining the meaning with the pronunciation, 8 meanings of Chinese character meanings of Chinese characters, such as Gong(功) character, were given to the same students in the order presented in the dictionary of classical Chinese characters, and among them, the Chinese characters that are easy to understand were numbered in the order of 1, 2, and 3, and weight was added to determine the degree of understanding. As a result, Gong(功) character should present the representative meanings of the Chinese character as ‘merit’ or ‘official’, Deok(德) character should be presented as ‘moral', Ban(半) character should be presented in 'half', and Byeong(病) character should be presented as ‘disease'. Bok(福) character should be presented as ‘happiness', Seong(姓) character should be presented as ‘surname', Chang(窓) character should be presented as 'window', and Han(恨) character should be presented as ‘to lament.’ This study is only an attempt to find various problems and educational alternatives of the meaning of a Chinese character that defines the meaning of a Chinese character with the character pronunciation. In future, it is hoped that many researchers will be interested in this and that it will be a reference for the spread of research, and when writing the next Chinese character textbook.