박경애(서울대학교 지구과학교육과) | Kyung-Ae Park (Department of Earth Science Education, Seoul National University)
Corresponding Author
박재진(서울대학교 과학교육과) | Jae-Jin Park (Department of Science Education, Seoul National University)
김태성(선박해양플랜트연구소 해양안전환경연구본부) | Tae-Sung Kim (Maritime Safety and Environmental Research Division, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean engineering)
오상우(선박해양플랜트연구소 해양안전환경연구본부) | Sangwoo Oh (Maritime Safety and Environmental Research Division, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean engineering)
이문진(선박해양플랜트연구소 해양안전환경연구본부) | Moonjin Lee (Maritime Safety and Environmental Research Division, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean engineering)