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도시특성 요인의 다중선형회귀 분석을 이용한 물순환상태추정모델 개발 KCI 등재

Development of water circulation status estimation model by using multiple linear regression analysis of urban characteristic factors

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/404200
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
상하수도학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Water and Wastewater)
대한상하수도학회 (Korean Society Of Water And Wastewater)

Identifying the water circulation status is one of the indispensable processes for watershed management in an urban area. Recently, various water circulation models have been developed to simulate the water circulation, but it takes a lot of time and cost to make a water circulation model that could adapt the characteristics of the watershed. This paper aims to develop a water circulation state estimation model that could easily calculate the status of water circulation in an urban watershed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The study watershed is a watershed in Seoul that applied the impermeable area ratio in 1962 and 2000. And, It was divided into 73 watersheds in order to consider changes in water circulation status according to the urban characteristic factors. The input data of the SHER(Similar Hydrologic Element Response) model, a water circulation model, were used as data for the urban characteristic factors of each watershed. A total of seven factors were considered as urban characteristic factors. Those factors included annual precipitation, watershed area, average land-surface slope, impervious surface ratio, coefficient of saturated permeability, hydraulic gradient of groundwater surface, and length of contact line with downstream block. With significance probabilities (or p-values) of 0.05 and below, all five models showed significant results in estimating the water circulation status such as the surface runoff rate and the evapotranspiration rate. The model that was applied all seven urban characteristics factors, can calculate the most similar results such as the existing water circulation model. The water circulation estimation model developed in this study is not only useful to simply estimate the water circulation status of ungauged watersheds but can also provide data for parameter calibration and validation.

1. 서 론
2. 연구방법
    2.1 대상유역 및 물순환모형 선정
    2.2 다중선형회귀분석 대상자료
3. 결 과
    3.1 물순환 상태지표 및 도시특성 요인의 다변량 산점도
    3.2 물순환상태추정모델 개발 결과
4. 결 론
  • 이연선(서울기술연구원 기술개발본부 생활환경연구실) | Yunsun Lee (Division of Living and Built Environment Research, Technology Development Headquarter, Seoul Institute Technology)
  • 황성환(서울기술연구원 기술개발본부 생활환경연구실) | Seonghwan Hwang (Division of Living and Built Environment Research, Technology Development Headquarter, Seoul Institute Technology)
  • 김영란(서울기술연구원 기술개발본부 생활환경연구실) | Youngran Kim (Division of Living and Built Environment Research, Technology Development Headquarter, Seoul Institute Technology) Corresponding author