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LC-MS/MS를 이용한 유통 건고추와 고춧가루의 잔류농약 평가 KCI 등재

Evaluation of Residual Pesticides in Dried Chili Peppers and Chili Powders Using LC-MS/MS

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/405548
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한국식품위생안전성학회지 (Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety)
한국식품위생안전성학회 (Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety)

2018년과 2019년에 서울에서 유통 중인 건고추 및 고춧가루에 대해 잔류 농약 안전성 검사를 실시하였다. 총 101건의 시료에 대해 71종 농약을 모니터링한 결과 잔류허 용기준을 초과한 시료는 없었으나 잔류농약이 검출된 시료는 87건으로 86.1%의 검출률을 나타내었다. 건고추와 고춧가루 검출률은 각각 73.3%, 91.5% 이었다. 고춧가루의 잔류농약 검출률이 건고추에 비해 다소 높게 나타났 다. 검출된 농약은 12종이었으며 모두 작물보호제 지침 서에 따른 고추에 사용가능한 살균제 및 살충제이었다. 가장 다빈도로 검출된 농약은 pyraclostrobin이었으며 다음으로 flubendiamide, azoxystrobin, chlorantraniliprole 순이었다. 검출된 농약에 대한 위해성을 ADI(Acceptable daily intake)대비 식이섭취율로 산출하여 평가한 결과, %ADI는 모두 5.66E-05 – 3.34E-02%로 나타나 안전한 것으로 나타났다.

The monitoring of residual pesticides in dried chili peppers and chili powders, which are circulated in Seoul from 2018 to 2019, was conducted for safety evaluation. As a result of analyzing for 71 kinds of pesticide residues in 101 cases of samples, pesticides were detected in 87 samples; however, no samples exceeded the MRLs (Maximum Residue Limits). Detection rates of pesticides in dried chili peppers and chili powders were 73.3% and 91.5%, respectively. The detection rate of residual pesticides in chili powders was a little higher than that in dried chili peppers. Twelve types of pesticides were detected, however, those pesticides were acceptable to use on peppers, according to the Crop Protection Guidelines. The most frequently detected pesticide was pyraclostrobin followed by flubendiamide, azoxystrobin, and chlorantraniliprole. The risk for detected pesticides was estimated as the ratio of ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) to food intake rate. The ADI value resulting by intake of dried chili peppers and chili powders was in the range of 5.66E-05 to 3.34E-02, which was within a safe level.

Materials and Methods
    분석대상 농약 및 표준품
    시약 및 기기
    잔류농약 분석
    시험법 검증
    위해성 평가
Results and Discussion
    분석법 유효성 검증
    잔류농약 검출 현황
    위해성 평가
  • 장미라(서울시보건환경연구원) | Mi-Ra Jang (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) Correspondence to
  • 김은희(서울시보건환경연구원) | Eun-Hee Kim (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 신재민(서울시보건환경연구원) | Jae-Min Shin (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 박영혜(서울시보건환경연구원) | Young-Hye Park (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 박혜원(서울시보건환경연구원) | Hae-Won Park (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 김진경(서울시보건환경연구원) | Jin-Kyoung Kim (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 홍미선(서울시보건환경연구원) | Mi-Sun Hong (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 유인실(서울시보건환경연구원) | In-Sil Yu (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)
  • 신용승(서울시보건환경연구원) | Young-Seung Shin (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment)