팽이버섯의 선도유지와 저장기간 연장을 위한 환경기체조절포장의 적용을 검토하였다. 팽이버섯은 높은 온도에서 호흡속도가 빠르며, 상품적 가치를 평가하는데 있어서 중요한 평가인자인 자루의 신장율이 톱밥을 제거한 경우가 현저하게 낮았으므로 톱밥을 제거한 처리에서 품질 및 신선도가 향상되는 것으로 나타났다. 100g 단위를 30 CPP와 30 LDPE에 의한 밀봉포장한 환경기체조절포장은 , 5, 1에서 선도유지에 유익하게 효과적이었다. 저장온도가 높을수
The effects of temperature(0, 5, 10 ), sawdust removal in root part and packaging conditions on the respiration and keeping qualities were evaluated. Higher respiratory activity, weight loss and stipe elongation were observed at higher temperature. Removal of sawdust part slowed down the rate of stipe elongation with little effect on the respiration rates, and therefore improve the quality preservation. The modified atmosphere packaging of 100g mushroom using hermetically sealing by 30 polypropylene (CPP) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) films were effective in preserving the quality such as visual appearance and Hunter L value, and reducing weight loss at 0, 5 and 10 compared to perforated packages.