Background: Exercise is necessary for the health of companion dogs. It is necessary to determine the relationship between height, weight, age and amount of exercise for the purpose of companion dog's health.
Objectives: A survey was conducted in this study to small-dog owners living in Yongin city, Gyeonggi-do about their canine healthcare awareness. Design: Questionnaire design.
Methods: The questionnaire was composed of exercise amount, type of exercise, and the necessity of exercise, general health condition, and environment. A total of 139 survey results were obtained. The average value of each item was analyzed and expressed in terms of frequency and percentage. Then, Pearson's correlation coefficients were used to find the relationship between these items.
Results: The weight and height were not shown to have a significant difference in the amount of exercise in the results. The weight had a weak positive correlation with “exercise time of canine per day”. The age had a weak negative correlation with “the number of canine exercise per week” and “frequency of canine exercise per day”, while it had a weak positive correlation with “selfassessment of canine lack of exercise”.
Conclusion: Based on this study, it is believed that in the future, various environments where dogs can exercise are believed to be necessary for the era of convergence.