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남해 강진만의 식물상과 귀화식물 분포 KCI 등재

Distribution of Flora and Naturalized Plants in Gangjin Bay, Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/406662
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,300원
농업생명과학연구 (Journal of Agriculture & Life Science)
경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 (Institute of Agriculture & Life Science, Gyeongsang National University)

본 연구는 경상남도 남해군 강진만 식물상 분포를 정량적으로 밝히고, 향후 강진만 생태계를 친환경적으로 관리·보전하기 위한 기초자료로 활용하기 위해 실시하였다. 강진만의 식물상 조사에서 관속식물은 115과 359속 545종 3아종 54변종 10품종의 총 612분류군이 출현하였다. 국화과가 가장 많은 74분류군(12.09%)이 출현하였고, 다음으로 벼과 59분류군(9.64%), 콩과 33분류군(5.39%), 장미과 32분류군(5.23%), 사초과 20분류군 (3.27%) 등의 순이었다. 희귀식물은 고란초, 쥐방울덩굴, 개지치 등의 13분류군이 출현하였고, 구계학적특정식물은 26과 34속 34종 1변종의 35분류 군이 출현하였으며, 한국특산식물은 8분류군이 출현하였다. 귀화식물은 20과 55속 68종 1변종 69분류군이 출현하였으며, 귀화율은 11.3%, 도시화지수는 21.5%였다.

This study was conducted to quantitatively investigate the distribution of vascular plants growing at the Gangjin Bay, Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, and to use it as basic data for eco-friendly management and conservation of the Gangin Bay ecosystem in the future. Vascular plants of this area consist of total of 612taxa, including 115families, 359genera, 545species, 3sub-species, 54varieties, and 10forms. Asteraceae was the most abundant as 74species (12.09%), followed by Gramineae as 59species (9.64%), Leguminosae as 33species (5.39%), Rosaceae as 32species (5.23%), and Cyperaceae as 20species (3.27%). A total of 13taxa of rare plants such as Crypsinus hastatus, Aristolochia contorta, and Lithospermum arvense etc. were investigated. The floristic special plants were investigated to be 35taxa including 26families, 34genus, 34species, and 1varieties. A total of 8taxa of Korea endemic plants were investigated. Naturalized plant species were 69taxa of 20families, 55genus, 68species, and 1varieties in the Gangjin Bay. The naturalized index and the urbanization index were 11.3% and 21.5%, respectively.

재료 및 방법
    1. 조사지 개황
    2. 조사방법
    1. 강진만의 식물상
    2. 구간별 식물상 분석
    3. 귀화종 식물상 분석
  • 조재진(경상국립대학교 산림자원학과) | Jae-Jin Cho (Dept. of Forestry Resources, Gyeongsang National University of Science and Technology)
  • 이민숙(경상국립대학교 산림자원학과) | Min-Sook Lee (Dept. of Forestry Resources, Gyeongsang National University of Science and Technology)
  • 박삼봉(경상국립대학교 산림자원학과) | Sam-Bong Park (Dept. of Forestry Resources, Gyeongsang National University of Science and Technology)
  • 박정근(거제시청) | Jeong-Geun Park (Geoje City Hall)
  • 안종빈(국립수목원 DMZ자생식물원) | Jong-Bin An (Geoje City Hall)
  • 송진헌(국립수목원 DMZ자생식물연구과) | Jin-Heon Song (DMZ Botanic Garden, Korea National Arboretum)
  • 정용주(경상국립대학교 산림자원학과) | Yeong-Ju Jeong (Dept. of Forestry Resources, Gyeongsang National University of Science and Technology)
  • 김봉규(경상국립대학교 산림자원학과) | Bong-Gyu Kim (Dept. of Forestry Resources, Gyeongsang National University of Science and Technology)
  • 추갑철(경상국립대학교 산림자원학과) | Gab-Chul Choo (Dept. of Forestry Resources, Gyeongsang National University of Science and Technology) Corresponding author