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한국산 작약의 산지별 유효성분 비교 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Comparison of Effective Constituents of Korean Paeony Roots(Paeoniae radix) Cultivated in Different Regions

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/40759
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

백작약 및 적작약의 주산지로 알려져 있는 경북 의성지역 외 5개 지역에서 1999년에 재배된 작약뿌리를 현지에서 수집하여, 산지별로 작약의 지표물질로 알려진 paeoniflorin, albiflorin 및 benzoic acid의 함량을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 국내산 작약의 재배 지역별 paeoniflorin 함량은 경상북도 의성 지역의 백작약 2.06%로 가장 높았다. 산지별로는 경기도 광주지역의 적작약 1.52%이었으며, 전라북도 임실 지역에

To compare the contents of well-known effective constituents, paeoniflorin, albiflorin and benzoic acid, of Korean paeony roots cultivated at different regions, this study was to provide the basic information for the quality evaluation of paeony roots. HPLC analysis showed that the paeoniflorin contents of white paeony roots of 3 years grown at Eui-seong gun, Kyungpook was the highest of 2.06% and red paeony roots of 3 years grown at Im-sil gun, Junpook was the lowest of 1.33%. The highest level of albiflorin contents was 2.04% of red paeony root grown at Ul-jin gun, Kyungpook, while the lowest levels were 0.05% of Eui-seong gun, Kyungpook and 0.06% of Im-shil gun, Junpook. The highest level of benzoic acid contents was 0.12% of red paony roots grown at Choung-do gun, Kyungpook and that grown at Ul-jin gun, Kyungpook was the lowest. Based on the average of three available constituents, the paeony roots cultivated at Kyungpook province was the highest contents of 2.03%, while 1.47% at Junpook province. These results suggest that Kyungpook province is the best region for the cultivation of white and red paeony roots, the combining of three available constituents would be more accurate than use of paeoniflorin only.

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