Physical Properties of Paeksulgies Prepared with Different level of Gardenia jasminoides
치자를 물 추출하여 0.5%, 1%, 2% 및 3% 첨가하여 G GGG시료로 하여 백설기를 제조하였다. 치자 첨가 백설기의 경우 수분함량은 39~43%로 나타났다. 치자 첨가시료의 경우 0.5% 농도군인 G가 가장 호화도가 높았으며 치자 농도에 따른 호화도의 유의적인 차이는 볼 수 없었다. 치자 첨가군의 색상 변화는 치자 첨가 백설기의 색상은 a치가 -를 나타내어 녹색을 띄었으며, 대조군이 -2.55였고, 치자 농도가 높을수록 녹색의 강도가 강하
This study attempted to examine the sensory quality, the degree of gelatinization, color, texture and moisture content of Paeksulgis prepared with different level of Gardenia jasminoides. The moisture contents were about 39∼43% in the Paeksulgies prepared with different level of Gardenia jasminoides. L-value on the control group was high, 93.24. and Gwas 90.49, high, but another group were about 82∼86, it was not siginificantly. As the amount of Gardenia jasminoides was increased, a-value on the Paeksulgies was decreased, showed green color. In case of Gardenia jasminoides, b-value of the control group was very low, 10.08. As the amount of Gardenia jasminoides was increased, b-value on Paeksulgies was increased. In sensory quality, Paeksulgies by the amount of 2∼3% water extracted Gardenia jasminoides showed the most favorable sensory evaluation.