양파 간이저장시 노지야적에 의해 발생하는 부패를 감소시켜 망과의 안전저장을 위하여 조립식 간이하우스를 이용하여 통풍조건 및 통풍구 재료의 크기에 따른 저장성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 평균온도는 노지야적에 비해 강제통풍에서 0.3~3.6높았고, 무통풍에 비해서는 1.4~8.2가 낮았다. 그러나 처리간 유의차는 없었다. 상대습도는 통풍처리구에서 무통풍 및 노지야적에 비해 약간 높았다. 구중감소율은 노지야적에서는 2.5%, 무통풍에서는 2.9%,
This study was conducted to improve the storability of onion bulbs by assembly simple house storage and the reduce the rotteness caused by field open storage. Allium cepa cv. Changnyungdeago, late strain was used for the test at the storage condition of natural ventilation of levels 2, forced ventilation of levels 2, field open storage and 75mm, 100mm, and 125mm ventilating holes. Mean tamperature and relative humidity were not significantly different by ventilation conditions. Mean temperature was lower in forced ventilation than that of in natural ventilation and non-ventilation, and relative humidity was a little higher in ventilation treatment than those of the others. Weight loss of onion bulbs were 2.5%, 2.9%, 3%, 4.3% in field open storage, non ventilation, natural ventilation of levels 2 and forced ventilation of levels 2 respectively. Rotting rate in natural ventilation of levels 2 and farced ventilation of levels 2 were 27.7% and 25.4% respectively but 34.6% and 37.8% in non ventilation and field open storage. Therefore, the treatment of ventilation reduced the rotteness of storage onion bulbs. The smaller the size of a ventilating hole, the lower mean temperature was maintained. The relative humidity was some high in July, but didn’t showed significantly difference in August and September. With small size of a ventilating hole, the strong wind velocity was obtained, and wind velocity by position was weaker in the middle part than both ends. Rutting rates in 75㎜, 100㎜, and 125㎜ ventilating holes were 17.9%, 15.3% and 14.1% respectively.