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친환경 재배에 적합한 건고추 품종 선발 KCI 등재

Selection of Dried Red Fruits in Hot Pepper Cultivars for Environment-friendly Cultivation

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  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/408451
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한국국제농업개발학회지 (The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture)
한국국제농업개발학회 (The Korean Society Of International Agriculture)

본 연구는 친환경 재배에 적합한 고추 품종을 선발하기 위해 수행하였다. 1. 수확과수는 114번 99.5과, 103번 87.5과, 118번 85과 순으로 높은 수량을 보였다. 2. 생과중은 114번 2,491.6 g, 118번 2,184.5 g, 115번 1,733.0 g 순으로 높았고, 3. 과장은 115번 175.5 mm, 117번 162.5 mm, 116번 160.4 mm 순으로 무거웠다. 4. 과경은 120번 28.3 mm, 123번 25.8 mm, 117번 25.5 mm 순으로 컸고, 5. 1과중은 116번 33.3 g, 115번 32.7 g, 117번 30.3 g의 순으로 높은 생과중을 보였다. 6. 10주에 대한 건과 수량은 114번 379.3 g, 118번 354 g, 122번 322.8 g 순으로 높게 나타났고, 7. 건조 전 색도는 L값이 105번 33.4, 104번 32.7, 106번 30.7, a값은 110번 17.9, 105번 17.3, 106번 16.0, b값은 103 번 21.5, 120번 19.5, 119번 19.2, 건조 후 색도는 L값이 110번 33.6, 108번 32.5, 123번 31.7 a값은 110번 19.0, 103 번 18.6, 106번 17.4, b값은 106번 7.8, 103번 7.0, 108번 6.8 순으로 높았다. 8. 총 캡사이신 함량은 101번 81.3 mg/100 g, 102번 76.2 mg/100 g, 104번 70.1 mg/100 g 순으로 매운맛이 강한 것으로 나타났고, 유리당 함량은 116번 17.39 g·100 g-1, 101번 17.32 g·100 g-1, 113번 16.93 g·100 g-1 순으로 높았다. 유기산 함량은 102번 1272.1 mg·100 g-1, 111번 1266.0 mg·100 g-1, 114번 1253.1 mg·100 g-1 순으로, 당산비는 120번 5.1, 119번 7.3, 118번 8.5 순으로 나타났다. 9. 건고춧가루에 대한 선호도 조사에서 106번, 107번, 115번, 116번, 120번의 선호도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 10. 고추의 주요 병으로 알려진 CMV, TSWV, 탄저병에 대 한 조사에서 106번, 115번, 116번, 120번 4개 품종의 이병률이 가장 낮게 나타나 이들 복합내병성 품종이 친환경 재배에 적합한 것으로 선발되었다.

This study was conducted to select cultivars for dried red fruits in hot pepper that are suitable for environment-friendly cultivation. For the selection of empirical experimental fields, cultivars were publicly announced targeting 5 places that considered regional characteristics. The number of total fruits in 10 plants found that #114, #103, and #118 showed high quantity of 99.5 fruits, 87.5 fruits, and 85 fruits, respectively. For fresh weight of the total fruits harvested from 10 plants, the result showed that #114, #118, and #115 were high at 2491.6 g, 2,184.5 g, and 1,733.0 g, respectively. The fruit length showed that #115, #117, and #116 measured 175.5 mm, 162.5 mm, and 160.4 mm, respectively. The fruit width showed that #120, #123, and #117 measured 28.3 mm, 25.8 mm, and 25.5 mm, respectively. The fresh weight per fruit showed that #116, #115, and #117 weighed 33.3 g, 32.7 g, and 30.3 g, respectively. The dry weight of the total fruits from 10 plants showed that #114, #118, and #122 weighed 379.3 g, 354 g, and 322.8 g, respectively. The Hunter color values for fresh fruits showed that the L values of #105, #104, and #106 were 33.4, 32.7, and 30.7, respectively, the a values of #110, #5, and #106 were 17.9, 17.3, and 16.0, respectively and the b values of #103, #120, and #119 were 21.5, 19.5, and 19.2, respectively. The Hunter color values for dried fruits showed that the L values of #110, #108, and #123 were 33.6, 32.5, and 31.7, respectively, the a values of #110, #103, and #106 were 19.0, 18.6, and 17.4, respectively, and the b values of #106, #103, and #108 were 7.8, 7.0, and 6.8, respectively. The total capsaicin content showed that #101, #102, and #104 had 81.3 mg/100 g, 76.2 mg/100 g, and 70.1 mg/100 g, respectively. The total free sugar content showed that #116, #101, and #113 had 17.39 g·100 g-1, 17.32 g·100 g-1, and 16.93 g·100 g-1, respectively. The total organic acid content showed that #102, #111, and #114 had 1272.1 mg·100 g-1, 1266.0 mg·100 g-1, and 1253.1 mg·100 g-1, respectively. The soluble solid-acid ratio showed that #120, #119, and #118 had 5.1, 7.3, and 8.5, respectively. The preference for dried red fruits in hot pepper powder showed that #106, #107, #115, #116, and #120 were high. The disease survey of CMV(Cucumber mosaic virus) and TSWV(Tomato spotted wilt virus), anthracnose showed that #106, #115, #116, #120 were the best. Based on the results of this study, #106, #115, #116, and #120 were selected as cultivars suitable for environment- friendly cultivation by comparing cultivars on red fruits in hot pepper with check varieties and ones before and after drying.

재료 및 방법
결 과
    생육 특성 조사
    Capsaicinoids, 유리당과 유기산 함량
    선호도 조사
    고추 병해 조사
적 요
  • 공소라(순창군 농업기술센터 종자연구계) | Sora Kong (Team of Seed Research, Agricultural Technology center)
  • 소재우(순창군 농업기술센터 종자연구계) | Jaewoo Soh (Team of Seed Research, Agricultural Technology center) Corresponding author