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갈색거저리 유충 분말 첨가 가래떡의 품질 특성 KCI 등재

Quality Characteristics of Garaedduk Enriched with Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) Powder

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/408477
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,100원
한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
한국식품영양학회 (The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition)

Mealworm is the most widely used edible insect in Korean traditional food. In this study, the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of Garaedduk containing different proportions of powdered mealworm (0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, and 12%) were evaluated in order to enhance the utilization of mealworm. The results revealed that moisture content decreased while pH and starch elution increased, with increasing amount of mealworm. Furthermore, the amount of total amino acids, essential amino acids, and non-essential amino acids increased with increasing amount of mealworm. Regarding chromaticity, the L value decreased while the a and b values increased as the amount of mealworm increased. The addition of 6% mealworm showed slight differences in the pore size and surface smoothness as compared to plain Garaedduk. Texture, hardness, chewiness, and gumminess increased, but cohesiveness decreased with increasing amount of mealworm. The preference test evaluating the appearance, flavor, taste, texture, and overall preference showed that 6% mealworm additive group had the highest preference. In addition, antioxidant activity of the newly developed Garaedduk increased with increasing amount of mealworm. In conclusion, Garaedduk enriched with 6% mealworm showed promising results for developing rice cake with improved nutrition and antioxidant activity and excellent overall preference and quality.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 실험재료
    2. 갈색거저리 유충 분말 일반성분 분석
    3. 갈색거저리 유충 분말 첨가 가래떡의 제조
    4. 갈색거저리 유충 분말 첨가 가래떡의 품질특성
    5. 갈색거저리 유충 분말 첨가 가래떡의 항산화 활성
    6. 통계분석
결과 및 고찰
    1. 갈색거저리 유충 분말의 일반성분 함량
    2. 갈색거저리 유충 분말 첨가 가래떡의 품질특성
    3. 항산화 활성
요약 및 결론
  • 남혜현(숙명여자대학교 문화예술대학원 전통식생활문화전공) | Hye Hyun Nam (Major in Traditional Culinary Culture, Graduate School of Arts, Sookmyung Women’s University)
  • 심기현(숙명여자대학교 문화예술대학원 전통식생활문화전공) | Ki Hyeon Sim (Major in Traditional Culinary Culture, Graduate School of Arts, Sookmyung Women’s University) Corresponding author