전국에서 수집한 완숙과 호박의 중량은 대부분 4~8kg이었으며, '창녕 I', '횡성' 및 '장수' 품종은 과육의 중량이 10 kg 이상으로 비교적 크고 논산, 여주 및 삼척 지역에서 수집된 호박은 중량 2kg 이하로 작았다. 호박의 형태는 '보은'을 비롯한 12개 수집종이 편원형을, '탕녕II'를 비롯한 5개 수집종이 원형을, 나머지는 장타원형이었다. 가용성 고형물은 '삼척' 호박이 14.4 。Brix로 가장 높았으며, '합천'과 '임실'도 1
The weight per pumpkin was usually 4∼8 kg, and that of 'Changnyung I', 'Changsu' and 'Hoengsung' were more than 10 kg. Pumpkins from 'Nonsan', 'Samcheok' and 'Yoju' were less than 2 kg. Pumpkin shapes were flat-round in 12 pumpkins including 'Boeun' pumpkin, round in 5 pumpkins including 'changnyung II'pumpkin and long-oval in others. The content of soluble solids was 14.4 。Brix in 'Samcheok' pumpkin and it was more than 12 。Brix in 'Hapcheon' and 'Imsil' pumpkins. 'L'values in fruit flesh were lunged from 60 to 80. But 'a' and 'b' value was affected by pumpkin varieties. Soluble solids in pumpkin juice were 5.00∼9.90 。Brix. It was the highest such as 9.90 。Brix in juice from 'Jeju I ' pumpkin. Yields of pumpkin juice were 53.0∼68.0% in crude type and 48.8∼61.4% in clean type. The yield of juice was the highest in 'Yangku' pumpkin. Color acceptability of juice was the highest in 'Uljin' pumpkin.