대두단백 가수분해 산물의 맛과 향을 개선하기 위해 효소에 의한 가수분해 system을 확립하기 위하여 단백질 가수분해 패턴이 서로 다른 효소로 생산된 단백 분해산물의 가수분해도와 표면 소수도 등을 측정하였다. 이들 분해물의 pattern을 SDS 전기영동으로 조사하였고, 효소반응에 의한 단백질분해물의 관능검사를 실시하였다. 각 균주가 생산한 단백질 분해효소의 pH 변화에 따른 효소의 활성은 No. 16 효소(Bacillu megarerium Bl
In order to establish the enzymatic hydrolysis system improving of taste and flavor in the preparation of soy protein hydrolysates using the enzymes with excellent hydrolytic ability and different hydrolysis pattern of soy protein, Degree of hydrolysis(DH) and surface hydrophobicity under the optimal conditions of enzyme reaction, hydrolysis patterns by the SDS electrophoresis and sensory evaluation of soy protein hydrolysates by enzyme reactions were investigated. Four enzyme reactions were highly activated at pH 7.0, 45 under the optimal conditions. As result of changes on the pattern of soy-protein hydrolysates by SDS-electrophoresis, high molecular peptides of hydrolysates by No. 5(Mucor circinelloides M5) and No. 16(Bacillus megaterium B16) enzymes were slowly decrease and 66KD band of these were remained after 3hours reaction. Production of low molecular peptides of hydrolysates by No. 4(Aspergillus oryzae M4) and No. 95(Bacillus subtilis YG 95) enzymes were remarkably detected during the proceeding reactions. As results of HPLC analysis, low molecular peptides of 15∼70KD were mainly appeared during the proceeding enzyme reactions. And, the more DH was increased, the more SDS-surface hydrophobicity was decreased. Hydrolysates by No. 4 enzyme was not only the highest DH of all hydrolysates, but the strongest bitter taste in a sensory evaluation. Sweat taste among the hydrolysates showed little difference. But, when combinative enzymes were treated, combinative enzyme of No. 4(Aspergillus oryzae M4)and No. 16(Bacillus megaterium B16) showed the strongest sweat taste. In conclusion, we assumed that it will be possible to prepare the hydrolysates having functionality when soy-protein were hydrolyzed by these specific enzymes.