감마선(0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 kGy) 조사와 methyl bromide(MeBr, 2 g/kg, 4 hr) 훈증 및 이들의 처리시기가 사과의 생리화학적 품질특성에 미치는 영향을 비교하여, 검역처리를 위한 감마선 조사의 응용성을 검토하였다. 감마선과 MeBr 처리에 따른 사과의 생리화학적 품질평가에서 2 kGy 이상의 감마선 조사와 MeBr 훈증은 사과의 일부 생리화학적 품질특성의 변화를 촉진시키는 것으로 나타났다. 감마선과 MeBr의 처리
‘Fuji’ apples were treated by gamma irradiation (0 - 3 kGy) or methyl bromide fumigation at commercial conditions (MeBr, 26 g/kg, 4 hr) for quarantine purposes at two different treatment timing after harvest and stored under air at 0 for 4 months. Associated with the treatment timing of irradiation or fumigation, after 40 days of storage at 0 following harvest was more adequate than immediately after harvest in keeping qualities of stored apples. However, more than 2 kGy irradiation and MeBr fumigation were detrimental to physiological and chemical qualities of the fruits. These results show that less than 1 kGy irradiation at the delayed timing has a possibility to be applied as a quarantine procedure without significant changes in the quality of apples.