해양 심층수 첨가에 따른 효모 발효력과 심층수 첨가 최적 농도를 알아보기 위하여 효모균주 9종에 대하여 증식을 조사하였다. 효모균주는 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10호, 11호, 12호, 901, RCY, Sacch.cerwisiae ktwef DJ97, Saccharomyces cerevisiae YJK, JK99, CMY-28 등이었으며, 해양 심층수는 경도 250, 500, 1000으로 조절하였고 대조군과 함께 증식력을 측
In order to study optimum culture condition of yeast medium added deep seawater, we examed samples with 9 yeast strains. The growth rate were measured for Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10, 11, 12, 901 and RCY and Saccharomyces kluyvery DJ97, Saccharomyces cerevisiae YJK, JK99, CMY-28 etc.. The growth of S. cerevisiae 12 was found most active in the deep seawater(hardness 500). The growth rate of S. cerevisiae 901 on medium containing deep seawater(hardness 1000) was faster than that of the yeast on medium without deep seawater. The use of deep seawater on the growth of Sacch.cerevisiae kluyvery DJ97 revealed maximum growth under the condition of hardness 200 of deep seawater and 10% of sugar concentration.