만두피의 반죽제조에 키토산(시판 키토산 및 제조 키토산) 및 폴리인산, 구아껌, 타피오카 등의 성분 배합비율에 따른 반죽의 물성변화를 알아보고자 하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 제조된 균류키토산의 수분함량은 6.57∼6.58%, 질소함량은 6.71∼6.91%, 용해도는 99.05∼99.13%, 점도는 2.21∼2.23cps, 아세틸화도는 12.0∼l2.7% 그리고 분자량은 3.01∼3.12Dalton으로써 산처리 온도에 따른 FCs40과 FC
This was studied to evaluate the rheology properties of the Dumpling shell added chitosans(commercial and prepared from fungal), polyphosphate, guargum and tapioca. The physicochemical properties of fungal chitosans (FCs95 and FCs 40) were as follows respectively. The nitrogen was 6.71% and 6.9%, the solubility 99.05% and 99.13%, the viscosity 2.23cps and 2.21cps, the acetylation 12.0% and 12.7% and the molecular weight 3.12105/Dalton and 3.01105/Dalton. From the above facts, the components and physicochemical properties of two kinds of fungal chitosan had little difference. The addition of polyphosphate, guargum and tapioca showed effect on the texture parameters(hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and gumminess) of Dumpling shell dough and the optimum addition concentration wag 0.074%, 6.59% and 0.062%(w/w), respectively. In case of chiotsans addition, texture of the dough by added SCs, FCs95 and FCs40 showed effect.