본 연구는 품질특성과 기능성이 우수한 고추장을 제조하기 위해서, 고춧가루, 찹쌀, 메주, 엿기름, 소금, 물과 3종류의 한약재(당귀,목통,골담초)의 물추출물을 첨가하여 재래식 방법으로 한방고추장을 제조한 후, 와 에서 90일간 저장하면서 고추장의 품질특성을 수분함량, 색도, 관능검사로서 조사하였다. 고추장의 수분함량은 저장 초기에 였으며 저장기간이 길어질수록 증가하여 저장 90일후에는 까지 증가하였다. 고추장의 색도는 명도(L), 적색도(a),
This study was to develope health promoting and better quality of Kochujang. Three kinds of medicinal plants, Angelica acutiloba (AA), Akebia quinate decaisne (AQ), Caragana chamlagu (CC) were extracted with water. Hanbang Kochujang was prepared by adding water extracts of medicinal hem to the ingredients of Kochujang. Quality characteristics of Hanbang Kochujang were evaluated by its water content, color and sensory evaluation during storage at : and for 90 days. Moisture contents of Hanbang Kochujang before storage were and increased to at the end of storage. Color values(L, a and b) of Hanbang Kochujang were decreased as the progress of storage period at and . Redness (a) values of Hannbang Kochujang with Akebia quinate decaisne (KAQ) and Caragana chamlagu (KCC) were lower than that of control Kochujang (KC) during storage at (p(p than that stored at during 60 and 90 days of storage. Sensory evaluation scores of color, sweet taste and overall preference were the highest in Hanbang Kochujang added Caragana chamlagu (KCC) during storage at and for 90 days (p<0.05).