중국에서 수확한 대추의 신선도 유지를 위한 목적으로 각각 30, 두께의 LLDPE필름, 기능성 MA 필름을 사용하여 이를 대조구와 포장구로 나누어 실온 및 에 10주간 저장하면서 품질변화를 조사하였다. 그 결과 중량은 상온 저장 포장구는 3.6%, 0.4%, 대조구는 36.1% 감소하였고, 저온 저장 대조구에서는 10배 이상으로 나타나 유의적으로 높았다. 산도변화에서는 저장기간 동안 모든 포장구에서 비슷한 경향을 보였으며, 저장 말기에는 포장구가
In order to study the storage stability of winter date (Zizyphus jujuba Miller) with functional MA film storage, linear low density polyethylene film packaging and non-packaging were compared LLDPE packaging, LLDPE packaging and non-packaging samples were stored at (low temperature) and (room temperature) for 10 weeks. Weight loss of LLDPE packaging, LLDPE packaging and non-packaging in room temperature were decreased by 3.6% 0.4% and 36.1% respectively. Titratable acidity showed the trend of similarity in all treatment during the storage conditions, and especially LLDPE film packaging showed higher than non-packaging in the last storage. Soluble solids showed an increase in non-packaging, a decrease in LDPE film packaging highly. Vitamin C content showed the trend of decrease in all treatments, but non-packed jujubes sustained higher than LLDPE film packaging.