각종 가공식품 원료로 사용되고 있는 건조 채소류 중 표고버섯, 시금치, 무청, 미나리, 무, 호박 등 6종에 대하여 1, 4, 7 kGy의 선량으로 감마선을 조사하고, photostimulated luminescence kGy와 thermoluminescence (TL) 등 물리적 분석방법을 이용하여 감마선 조사 여부를 확인하였다. PSL 측정에서 비조사 표고버섯, 시금치, 무청, 미나리, 무 및 호박에서는 각각 및 수준의 photon co
Photostimulated luminescence (PSI) and thermoluminescence (TL) were analyzed for dried vegetables irradiated at 0, 1, 4 and 7 kGy, such as dried oak mushroom, spinach, radish leaves, water cress, radish, and pumpkin, to detect irradiation treatment. PSL results that photon counts for non-irradiated samples were lower than 700 that corresponds to negative, while those of irradiated samples over 1 kGy showed positive photon counts, indicating irradiation treatment Meantime, TL ratio by normalization was lower than 0.021 in threshold value for non-irradiated samples and more than 0.653 for irradiated samples, and therefore it was possible to detect whether the 6 kinds of dried vegetables were irradiated or not by analyzing PSL and TL.