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금귤과 병귤의 침출 중 유용성분의 변화 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Changes of Major Constituents by Soaking of Kumquats and Citrus platymama with Ethanol Solution

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/41293
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

제주산 감귤류를 리큐르 소재로 활용하기 위하여 금귤은 3kg/6L, 병귤은 1kg/3L의 비율로 주정농도 에서 금귤은 일, 병귤은 일간 침출하여 유용성분인 flavonoid의 이행을 HPLC로 분석하였으며 pH, 색도, 고형물 함량의 변화 등을 측정하였다. 주정농도에 따라 pH의 변화는 차이가 많았으며, 색깔의 변화도 컸다. 일반적으로 주정농도 30%와 95%에서 glucose와 fructose는 높은 주정농도에서, sucrose는 낮은 주정농도

In order to prepare liqueur of citrus fruit, changes of major constituents, flavonoid pH, color changes, and extract, by soaking 3 kg/6 L kumquats for days and 1 kg/3 L Citrus platymama for days in ethanol solution were investigated 1.5kg of kumquats, and 1kg of citrus platymama were soaked in 3 L of ethanol solution for days. pH and color changed largely by ethanol concentration. Glucose and fructose were more extracted in ethanol concentration. Citric acid and malic acid were extracted times with kumquats than with Citrus platymama in 30% ethanol solution. Ascorbic acid was more extracted in 60% ethanol solution for kumquats, and in 95% ethanol for Citrus platymamma. The content of ascorbic acid was in kumquats, and in Citrus platymamma. of rutin were extracted in 95% ethanol solution, of neohesperidin were extracted in 60% ethanol as for kumquats. Rutin and neohesperidin were more extracted in 30% ethanol concentration contrary to hesperidin. Hesperidin was extracted in 95% ethanol solution.

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