A Study on Relation between Satisfaction and Positive/Negative WOM of Chinese Students in Korea
在营销学领域消费者满意度与口碑传播的研究一直是热点问题,但却鲜 有研究者将其应用到留学生市场领域。本研究选取在韩中国留学生为研究 对象,通过对不同层次在韩留中国学生的问卷调查,探究了留学生基本统 计变量对其大学满意度和口碑传播的影响,着重分析了满意度对口碑传播 意愿的影响作用,论文最后提出相关方面的针对性建议。论文以先行研究 为基础,以及对问卷调查所收集的数据进行多种统计分析,得到以下研究 结论:中国留学生的所属课程、学业状态和TOPIK等级变量对其满意度存 在显著性影响;口碑传播意愿可分为正面口碑传播意愿和负面口碑传播意 愿;4个留学生基本特征变量对负面口碑传播意愿均具有显著性影响,学业 状态变量对正面网络口碑传播意愿存在显著性影响;并且满意度因素与正 面口碑传播意愿呈正相关,与负面口碑传播意愿呈负相关。最后,研究者 面向韩国高校提出针对性建议:高校须高度关注留学生的口碑传播,提高 留学生满意水平,进而增加留学生对大学的口碑传播意愿,并应深度细分 留学生市场,实施差异化的营销策略。
There has been many studies on customer satisfaction and word of mouth(WOM) in the field of marketing, but few researchers applied it to foreign students who became a target of Korean universities experiencing great difficulty in recruiting new students. For this reason, this study analyzed Chinese student’s variables influencing on satisfaction and WOM towards Korean universities. Four basic characteristic variables of Chinese students had a huge impact on negative WOM communication intention. In contrast, academic status variable had a significant impact on positive online WOM communication intention. Satisfaction factor was positively correlated with positive WOM communication intention and negatively related to negative WOM communication intention. In this respect, Korean universities need to pay more attention to satisfaction level of foreign students and WOM communication. Furthermore, they should plan and implement differentiated strategies for promoting themselves in recruiting foreign students.