A Study on Flower Culture and Gold and Silverware from Song Dynasty
화훼문은 감상의 대상인 화훼를 인간의 조형능력을 사용해 조합하여 예술 전반에 사용한 장식문양을 일컫는다. 이러한 화훼문은 宋代(960~1279)부터 실제 화훼의 모습을 반영하 여 예술 전반에서 단독적인 장식제재로 등장한다. 본 논문에서는 송대 금은기의 조형과 문양 에서 화훼가 적극 반영되는 점에 주목하여, 화훼문이 유행하게 되는 원인과 사용양상을 송대 사회에서 유행한 화훼문화와 결부시켜 살펴보고자 한다. 특히 南宋代 窖藏 및 무덤 출토품 중 가장 많은 비중을 차지하고 있는 茶, 酒具와 首飾 을 중심으로 살펴보면, 송대부터 보편화 되었던 화훼가 사실적으로 표현되었다. 이는 화훼가 상징하는 의미와 관련된 茶, 酒文化가 있었고, 머리나 몸에 화훼를 지녀 신분을 드러냈던 송 사회를 반영하고 있었다. 이처럼 금은기를 통해 화훼문화를 조명하는 것은 그간 연구되지 않았던 송대 금은기의 성 격을 밝힐 수 있다는 점에서 의의를 가진다. 동시에 송대 도시문화의 특징이 어떻게 금은기 에 반영되었는지도 살펴볼 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라, 송대 화훼문화와 화훼문은 동아시아로 전 파되는 과정에서 遼와 高麗 금은기에 보이는 화훼문에도 일정 부분 영향관계를 살필 수 있어 중요한 것으로 파악된다
Flower pattern refers to the decorative patterns used on overall art fields and the flowers, which are the object of appreciation, are made into the patterns by using and combining the formative techniques. Such flower pattern appears as the independent decorative materials in the art fields starting from the Song Dynasty (宋代, 960~1279) in reflection of the actual flowers. This study focused on the point on active application of flowers on shapes and patterns of gold and silverwares made during Song Dynasty and tried to examine the reasons why such flower patterns became popular and how they were used by combining with the flower culture that trended in the whole society during the Song Dynasty. Especially, this study targeted on teaware (茶), drinkware (酒具), and hair ornament (首飾) that take the highest proportion among excavated articles and hoards from Southern Song Dynasty. The flower patterns were widely used starting from the Song Dynasty and the flowers with social meanings were expressed in a realistic way. This is because tea culture (茶文化) and drinking culture (酒文化) were associated with the symbol of flowers. In case of, hair ornaments (首飾), the flower pattern reflected the Song Dynasty’s society where people revealed their positions by putting flowers on hair or body.Spotlighting on the flower culture with gold and silverwares holds significance in clarifying the features of Song Dynasty’s gold and silverwares which were not researched previously. At the same time, flower culture shows how the characteristics of Song Dynasty’s urban cultures were reflected on the gold and silverwares. In addition, the flower culture and flower pattern from Song Dynasty are significant as they are partially associated with the gold and silverwares from Liao Dynasty (遼) and Goryeo Dynasty (高麗) in the process of getting spread to East Asian regions.