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安城 盤諸里聚落의 變遷相 KCI 등재

The Change in the Societal Forms of the Banje-ri Settlement

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/413991
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,300원
韓國靑銅器學報 (한국청동기학보)
한국청동기학회 (Society for Korean Bronze Culture)

안성 반제리유적은 고지성취락으로서 산정을 둘러싸는 환구가 조영된 유적이다. 주거지의 수가 72 기로 많은 편에 속하며, 수석리문화가 중심이다. 탄소14연대로는 기원전 8~5세기로 청동기시대 후기 인 송국리문화와 대부분 겹치며, 안성지역은 송국리문화권의 최북단에 해당된다. 본고는 송국리문화 기의 사회를 구명하기 위해 동시대인 수석리문화의 대표적인 유적에서 취락의 동향과 송국리사회와의 관계를 살피기 위해 작성되었다. 연구를 위해 출토유물을 망라하여 순서배열보충법으로 편년한 결과 총 5단계로 설정할 수 있었다. 이것을 층서관계와 검토하여 편년을 검증하여 주거지의 규모와 분포상 으로 사회상을 밝힐 수 있었다. Ⅰa기는 청동기시대 중기문화의 유물이 출토되는 가옥 7동으로 구성 된다. 가옥은 대가족용의 세장방형이며 분산하여 분포한다. Ⅰb기는 소수의 세장방형 가옥과 핵가족 화된 다수의 중·소형 가옥으로 구성된다. 수석리문화가 중심이 되지만 중기문화와 송국리문화도 혼 재한다. Ⅱ기는 중형과 소형 가옥이 1:1로 구성되며, 중형가옥 1동과 소형가옥 1~2동이 1단위를 이 루는 세대공동체가 나타난다. 이 이후는 수석리문화가 지속되며, 중형가옥은 주로 소실하여 폐기되었 다. Ⅲ기에는 환구가 조영된 시기로서, 환구 내에는 의례 관련 대형가옥 1동이 가장자리에 위치한다. 환구 바깥에는 대형가옥 1동과 중형가옥 2동, 소형가옥 소수로 구성된다. 대형가옥은 환구내의 의례 를 거행하던 주인공으로 취락의 유력 엘리트라고 추정된다. Ⅳ기에는 환구가 사라지고 중형가옥 2동 과 소형가옥 4동 정도로 구성된다. 거주지보다 낮은 사면에 2개의 구로 묘역을 구획하고 3기의 무덤 을 조영하였다. 환구는 제천의식을 거행하던 장소이므로 Ⅲ기에 생계를 위협할만한 자연재해가 있었 던 것을 시사하며, 이 이벤트는 송국리취락에서 나타난 기후 악화와 지좌리취락의 대홍수와 연관된 것으로 추정하였다.

The Banje-ri remain in Anseong is a highland settlement characterized by its circular ditches around the mountain top in which it is located. Constructed around the early Iron Age, there were a relatively large number of residential areas, with a total of 72. According to carbon 14 dating, the time it was constructed is estimated to be from BC the 8 to 5th century and this range also overlaps with the late Bronze Age, the time the Songguk-ri Culture was constructed. Furthermore, Anseong is in the outermost region of the Songguk-ri culture. This paper aims to examine the societal change of Banje-ri settlement during the early Iron Age in its relation to the contemporary Sogguk-ri society under the assumption that it could reveal certain aspects of the Sogguk-ri Culture. According to the complementary serration method applied to all the excavated artifacts, five developmental stages of the settlement were distinguished. This chronology was then verified through the examinations of the artifacts’ stratigraphical relations. Stage I-a is characterized by seven houses from which the artifacts produced in the middle Bronze Age were excavated. These houses had long rectangular shapes for large families and were dispersed across the large area. Stage I-b is characterized by a small number of long rectangular houses and more middle/small-sized houses for nuclear families. The early Iron Age culture was prevalent in this stage but the artifacts from the middle Bronze Age and Songguk-ri Culture were also found. The ratio of middle and small-sized houses in Stage II is 1:1. It was also when the household communities, consisting of one middle-sized house and one or two small-sized house(s) for each, were appearing. From then onwards, the early Iron Age culture prevailed while middle-sized houses gradually disappeared. Stage III was when the circular ditches were built. A large-sized house for ritual was located on the inside rim of the ditches surrounding the mountain top with a huge rock. One large-sized house, two middle-sized houses, and a few small-sized houses were located outside of the ditches. The large-sized house inside of the ditches was functioning a major role in the ritual and is assumed to be resided by the elite of the settlement. The ditches disappeared in Stage IV and two middle-sized houses and four small-sized houses existed then. Three tombs were constructed in the two graveyards formed in the lower slope. From the fact that the circular ditches were to demarcate the ritual place for the worship of the heavenly god, it is inferred that there was a natural disaster threatening people’s lives in Stage III. This event is also assumed to be related to the climate deterioration the Songguk-ri settlement underwent and the flood that swept the Jijwa-ri settlement

Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 遺物의 分類와 順序配列
    1. 遺物 分類
    2. 遺構의 順序配列
Ⅲ. 樣式編年과 檢證
    1. 樣式編年
    2. 層序를 통한 編年 檢證
    3. 住居址 型式의 時間性
Ⅳ. 盤諸里聚落의 變遷과 松菊里文化
    1. Ⅰa期 聚落(도면 5)
    2. Ⅰb期 聚落(도면 6)
    3. Ⅱ期 聚落(도면 7)
    4. Ⅲ期 聚落(도면 8)
    5. Ⅳ期 聚落(도면 10)
    6. 圓型家屋과 부뚜막ㆍ화덕
    7. 松菊里文化의 形成過程
Ⅴ. 맺음말
  • 安在晧(동국대학교 경주캠퍼스 고고미술사학과, 명예교수) | Ahn, Jaeho (Emeritus Professor, Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus)