Pediocin 처리에 따른 생면의 저장성 연장효과를 얻기 위하여 pediocin을 처리한 후 생면의 미생물의 변화를 알아 보았다. pH의 변화는 pediocin 처리 농도가 높을수록 낮은 경향을 보였으며, 저장 후 2일에서 약간 증가 하다가 이후부터 점차 감소함을 보였다. 저장기간이 경과함에 따른 일반 세균수의 변화는 점차 균수가 증가하는 경향이었으며, 1,000 ppm 처리구의 경우 저장 1일 후 일시적으로 균수의 감소되어 살균효과를 관찰할
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of pediocin treatment on noodle quality during 4 days of storage at . The pH of noodle increased after 2 days of storage and then decreased during further storage. The total bacterial counts in noodles increased during the storage period. When pediocin was present at 1,000 ppm, bacterial counts temporarily decreased after first day of storage and then slowly increased to 4 days of storage. Coliforms were detected after 2 days of storage in noodles stored without pediocin. When pediocin was present at 300 or 500 ppm, the coliform detection time was extended to 3 days of storage. Upon treatment with 1,000 ppm of pediocin, the coliform detection time was further extended to 4 days of storage. The fungal count in noodles was 2.3 log CFU/mL initially, and did not change significantly during the first day of storage, after which time the fungal count increased quickly. The fungal counts in noodles without pediocin treatment increased more rapidly than in noodles stored with pediocin, and was 5.0 log CFU/mL after 4 days of storage. We conclude that pediocin prevented noodle deterioration on storage.